Trump meets with Kim Jung Un


Staff member
North Korean officials didn’t show up for a planned meeting with U.S. counterparts to discuss returning the remains of American war dead, South Korean media reported, in the latest sign of tensions between the two sides.
U.S. negotiators arrived Thursday at the militarized border between the two Koreas as previously announced by U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and were kept waiting, the Yonhap News Agency reported, citing diplomatic officials it didn’t identify. The meeting was expected to be the first working-level talks between the two sides since Pompeo’s visit to Pyongyang ended Saturday with North Korea denouncing the U.S.’s “unilateral and gangster-like demand for denuclearization.”

North Koreans Are No Show at U.S. War Dead Talks, Yonhap Reports


Staff member
Diplomats say the North Koreans have canceled follow-up meetings, demanded more money and failed to maintain basic communications, even as the once-isolated regime’s engagements with China and South Korea flourish.
Meanwhile, a missile-engine testing facility that Trump said would be destroyed remains intact, and U.S. intelligence officials say Pyongyang is working to conceal key aspects of its nuclear program.
The lack of immediate progress, though predicted by many analysts, has frustrated the president, who has fumed at his aides in private even as he publicly hails the success of the negotiations.
“Discussions are ongoing and they’re going very well,” Trump told reporters Tuesday.

In private, Trump vents frustration over lack of progress on North Korea


Bad Moon Risen'
Kim Jung Un got what he wanted. A face to face meeting with a sitting US President to legitimize his regime. Trump was dumb enough to oblige.


Well-Known Member


Bad Moon Risen'
yea that 70 year plan of denying him was working soooooooooooooo well.
Kim hasn't been leader for 70 years. There should have been many more lower level meetings between our governments and a Presidential meeting should not have taken place until some kind of agreement could have been negotiated and signed.


Well-Known Member
Kim hasn't been leader for 70 years. There should have been many more lower level meetings between our governments and a Presidential meeting should not have taken place until some kind of agreement could have been negotiated and signed.

yea that worked well the last 70 years


Bad Moon Risen'
Trump may have had a chance with North Korea until he started slapping tariffs on China. Without China's cooperation we are going nowhere.


Well-Known Member
Trump may have had a chance with North Korea until he started slapping tariffs on China. Without China's cooperation we are going nowhere.

it don't seem to difficult for me to figure out. we're starting with nothing , we were going no where.

what Trump is doing is defying every established argument on how to handle this .

who the frick cares . let him run with it and see what happens and worse comes to worse we end up where we started.

I have a feeling the 18 million in Seoul are hoping he does well.