Trump Organization found guilty of all 17 counts of tax fraud


Well-Known Member


Strength through joy
"in behalf of."
Is a legal phrase that was the center of this case.
Even the judge could not explain it.
Can't wait for the appeals.
You think the media will cover them ?


Strength through joy
The gov't witnesses in this case were the same people who were running the scam.
For their "honesty" they will receive reduced sentences.


Well-Known Member
its a fascinating exercise in TDS .
trying an organization and finding it guilty but the individuals in the organization who allegedly committed the crimes were not guilty of any crimes?
the effort to charge those individuals was never made why? no evidence of individual wrong doing?

Okie dokie put some handcuffs on the trump towers and lets drag the buildings off to jail.

this case is like something out of the twilight zone.


Well-Known Member
While we're at it let's audit:
- Biden's financial activities;
- Hunter Biden's activities and;
- where did the money go that Trump was entitled to as a salary but declined?

Interestingly helping.


Well-Known Member
Why would a corporation whose owner knew nothing about Weisselberg’s personal tax returns be criminally prosecuted for Allen Weisselberg’s personal conduct, for which they had no visibility or oversight

the guy receiving the tax benefit Weisselberg was the accountant who kept the books for the corporation. And the star witness against the corporation.

so basically he turned states evidence against himself as the representative that committed the crime.

the only thing the prosecuter gets out of the case is the trump name dragged through the mud.

oh the essence of TDS is strong in this case.


Well-Known Member
Why would a corporation whose owner knew nothing about Weisselberg’s personal tax returns be criminally prosecuted for Allen Weisselberg’s personal conduct, for which they had no visibility or oversight

the guy receiving the tax benefit Weisselberg was the accountant who kept the books for the corporation. And the star witness against the corporation.

so basically he turned states evidence against himself as the representative that committed the crime.

the only thing the prosecuter gets out of the case is the trump name dragged through the mud.

oh the essence of TDS is strong in this case.
So here's how this works.
Weisselberg is the top accountant in the trump organization
As such its his job to notify the top executives that they will be taxed on any fringe benefits they receive.
Weissleberg was the top executive that was the recipient of those fringe untaxed benefits.
Weisselbeg turned states witness against the organization for him not doing his job.
the guy that committed the crime is the one that should be going to jail instead he was states witness against himself.


IE boogeyman
Nice way to try and diminish Biden's son service.
I seem to remember Trump claimed he had Bonespurs and claimed couldn;t serve,and his kids of course didn;t serve.
C'mon now, JAG isn't serving it's just a way to help pay off law school debt and get some EZ experience

The freaking DFAC contractors were in more danger than any JAG