Well-Known Member
You may have "earned" everything you've got but the pay rate you received for what you earned came courtesy of the New Deal legislation called collective bargaining. It gave you the right to organize with your fellow workers and negotiate in good faith thereby leveling the playing field. Do you actually believe that UPS pays you top compensation for your labor that is unskilled and blue collar menial labor simply pick it up here and haul it over there because it requires special skills and higher education? Fedex Ground contractor employees are performing exactly the same task you're doing just as proficiently and productively as you are for about $12-14 an hour all straight time and zero benefits. There's no difference in what they do and what you do. They're covered under Taft Hartley same as you. So what's the difference between you and them that is responsible for the huge pay difference. And don't try to say it's experience because I know some contractor driver employees who have been doing the same menial task for more than 15 years.
I think Kavanaugh will make an incredibly fair justice