Your running away from a pertinent question leaves no doubt that you are a UPS employee who has been covered by and benefited from collective bargaining. The trouble with you consercuks is that you don't realize that so many of these and similar laws passed by us evil
s have been around for so long that you take them for granted. The safety and freshness of the food you ate this AM the safety and reliability of the car you drove to work this morning all came about courtesy of consumer protection laws to which you consercuks never give a moments thought as to what you're life would be like without them.
Now if Kavanaugh is confirmed so question that these and similar laws will be challenged in front of SCOTUS and Kavanaugh will no doubt side with big business and if the lives of the consercuks are negatively impacted they will be the ones hollering the loudest .
Like so many consercuks you too believe that the only good laws are the ones that directly benefit you such as in your case.....collective bargaining.