For once, you’re correct.Thank you ma'am, you've finally stepped into the truth, concerning me only. Be sure and wash your shoes off before going inside.
You'd love that, I was referring to his attempted take down of me for thinking for myself in my response to the silliness he posted about negative interest rates. He poked my response in a different way, none the less a poke. Everyone here can understand the put downs and implied meanings. Take the whole line of posts and responses. I understand I upset you. I understand I'm short and straight to the point at times. And sometimes I'm just a lazy ass as @bbsam called me last night. I can safely assume my last offering was within those bounds. I'll offer my at cheryl also if you would like me to.Maybe @cheryl should give him his third strike.
Thank you sir, we disagree but we don't need to hide under cheryl's skirt.what a whiner.
grow up
If you agree, I have to rethink my assertion. You do understand I was applying self-defecating humor once again?For once, you’re correct.
You do understand I was applying self-defecating humor once again?
To add, If you think I am so insulting, I challenge you to look at my posts on the whole site, and to other posters. I for the most part am very positive and have sent pm's to persons exhibiting the same. I don't live in your world of hate, I do respond in abrasive ways many times however.Maybe @cheryl should give him his third strike.
It was purposeful Ox, to poke fun at myself. How have you been?Do you mean "self-deprecating" or are you really pooping on yourself to make a funny?
It was purposeful Ox, to poke fun at myself. How have you been?
We talked about that before, it's an addiction for me, I'm a very week man. You are better than me.Not bad. Should be alright as long as I get back outta Current Events as quickly as I came. Feels like Facebook up in this piece!
Apparently if you can't win an argument you attack personally. Yawn.There are a few people here that you cannot have an honest discussion with.
@rickyb is on ignore, @vantexan is a good speller, but a failure in life, @floridays is a jerk, and the former mod is just a troll.
@newfie is in a class by himself. HR should be notified, again.
Just my opinion, not a statement of judgement or fact.
Gee, you use the stuff between your ears for more than holding your ears apart. And you spell korrectley. That's two attaboys for you Tex.Apparently if you can't win an argument you attack personally. Yawn.
You can lead a horseface to water but you can't make him, its obvious the education I'm providing you is not sinking in, you really should pay me so that I at least receive some benefit.
Quit plagiarizing Sir.You can lead a horseface to water but you can't make him think.
Thank you sir, we disagree but we don't need to hide under cheryl's skirt.
Selling England by the Pound?I've never been satisfied with that expression. I mean, why would anyone want to 'hide' under a woman's skirt? Liable to get bashed with a purse. For shade, maybe?
No day is so hot that it's worth getting bashed with a purse, though.
I mean, an area like that isn't exactly quiet or peaceful, either. Believe me. I know. 'Things' go on there. Anyways, it's a poor hiding spot. For more reasons than I care to list.
What are you on ... maybe 7 or 8?Maybe @cheryl should give him his third strike.
You can lead a horseface to water but you can't make him think.