
Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
My neighbor (Democrat) was telling me how the president has nothing to do with the price of oil, it’s those greedy oil companies he said. I told him if that were true can you imagine the genius of Trump because he knew the oil companies wasn’t going to get greedy while he was in but knew they would if Biden got in. So much so that he used it in his 2020 campaign saying it was going to happen. On top of that the MSM and Democrats didn’t inform us then that Trump was lying and that the president has nothing to do with the price. How stupid of them. You think they would of fact checked him.

The president doesn’t cause the price of oil or inflation to go up or down, but his policies sure do.
Democrats are woefully ignorant and misinformed.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Let’s take everything you just wrote and agree to all of it. I was simply going by reported numbers. What is Trump proposing that makes any of it better? The numbers you see aren’t going to go down because that’s not what capitalism is aimed at. The Federal Reserve aims to keep inflation between 2 and 3%. It doesn’t matter to them if incomes rise along with inflation.

Personally, I don’t think the problem are political. They’re economic. Or, “It’s the economy, stupid!” But capitalism is way out of balance. Neither Washington nor Wall Street want prices to come down. That’s deflation and in their minds far more destructive to the economy. The rich get richer and the poor and what’s left of the middle class will pay for it. Rinse and repeat. Because corporations are people too!😂

Supply and demand controls prices. If there are enough people dumb enough to pay $1000 for a Taylor Swift ticket you will have $1000 tickets. I live in SW Florida. Everyone was moving here and the price of houses was rising weekly. Now after 3 hurricanes and news of how high insurance is people are not in a rush to move here. The price of my house on Zillow was $425,000 last year now it is $375,000. Another example is McDonalds they drove their prices up and people started to eat elsewhere so they came back with a $5 meal which my parents ate and said there was plenty to eat and good.
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Staff member
Supply and demand controls prices. If there are enough people dumb enough to pay $1000 for a Taylor Swift ticket you will have $1000 tickets. I live in SW Florida. Everyone was moving here and the price of houses was rising weekly. Now after 3 hurricanes and news of how high insurance is people are not in a rush to move here. The price of my house on Zillow was $425,000 last year now it is $375,000. Another example is McDonalds they drove their prices up and people started to eat elsewhere so they came back with a $5 meal which my parents ate and said there was plenty to eat and good.
So Governor DeSantis implemented policies that have driven down home prices and insurance companies are fleeing the state. One of your biggest investments dropped in value by $50k and you cheer. A state that has had and will have massive hurricanes votes in an administration that hates FEMA. Strange days.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
So Governor DeSantis implemented policies that have driven down home prices and insurance companies are fleeing the state. One of your biggest investments dropped in value by $50k and you cheer. A state that has had and will have massive hurricanes votes in an administration that hates FEMA. Strange days.

Yep I cheer when the price of my home goes down. It’s not one of my biggest investments and as a matter of fact I don’t look at a house as an investment because if I sell it I will have to use the money to pay for another place to live unless I want to go homeless. When the price of your home goes up so does your insurance, insurance deductible and taxes. Because of supply and demand I bought my house in 2009 when the demand for houses was low and the supply was high because of the crash. I paid $82,000 for my home then. It’s that supply and demand thing yet once again proving itself.


Inordinately Right
So Governor DeSantis implemented policies that have driven down home prices and insurance companies are fleeing the state. One of your biggest investments dropped in value by $50k and you cheer. A state that has had and will have massive hurricanes votes in an administration that hates FEMA. Strange days.
Good Lord, the seething from the left just oozes out in literally everything you talk about. Going to be a long four years for you people.


nowhere special
Good Lord, the seething from the left just oozes out in literally everything you talk about. Going to be a long four years for you people.


Staff member
Good Lord, the seething from the left just oozes out in literally everything you talk about. Going to be a long four years for you people.
Seething? You’ve got the tone all wrong. Bemused is the word I used before and it continues to fit. MAGA is cheering decreased wealth and blindly believes Trump’s words to be gospel truth without ever asking how or why.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Seething? You’ve got the tone all wrong. Bemused is the word I used before and it continues to fit. MAGA is cheering decreased wealth and blindly believes Trump’s words to be gospel truth without ever asking how or why.

How could we have “decreased wealth?” I thought everything had gotten better under Biden? 🤔


Well-Known Member
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