Trump's secret police in Portland


I'm a star
we practice communism like most households. this fact seems to be lost on alot of americans.

Wrong. Nuclear families are not collectives. Extended families living collectively and combining resources could be seen as a form of communism, but it is more accurately a form of voluntary communal living, which is not exactly the same.


Well-Known Member
Wrong. Nuclear families are not collectives. Extended families living collectively and combining resources could be seen as a form of communism, but it is more accurately a form of voluntary communal living, which is not exactly the same.

im not so sure but i respect your answer.


Well-Known Member
Most nuclear families are authoritarian, not democratic. Children are not recognized as entities for practical/legal purposes. Although families that are run like democracies would probably turn out much like most communist nations, complete nightmares.
but its not a market. yea youre right the parents dictate i should know HAHAHAH