Two MEANJ sleeper drivers passed away


Stinkin Ginzo
Nah, I'm easier than that. We'll run splits at 1 or 2. It's a team.
Oh a gentleman. In that case…


Not gonna let ‘em catch the Midnight Rider


Just a dog
Depends on how many miles are on the run. We have a few 5-6,000 mile runs and those guys are sniffing 200K. Great money if you don’t have or don’t care about your family life.
RIP Brothers.
I will take my chances that my joints will hold out in package. Too many awful semi stories over the years for me. The money isn't that much better.

Sacrificial Lamb

Package Shepherd
I have no desire to do that.
That’s my ultimate goal here. I never realized how dangerous it was despite going with my dad when he was starting out as an OTR driver. Super late bloomer so gotta catch up with putting stuff away for retirement and for a house. Package seems fun, but I gotta make more money.