U.S. Debt Ceiling


golden ticket member
I liked the bill the republicans wanted to pass, but even they were divided on their own votes on the Natural Disaster - FEMA bill.

The GOP wants to ensure cuts are made each time a natural disaster hits an area in the US.
So, before any financial help from the Fed comes, they'll need to debate where the cuts will be made to pay for it first.

Round 1 of voting was unsuccessful, maybe if they do win the next election they might be able to pass it.
Who cares if it takes months for financial relief for those hit hard, eh ?
God helps those who help themselves!


Staff member
God helps those who help themselves!
Before I reply, I want to say to over9: I didn't bring God into this, moreluck did. Moreluck, your invocation of God in defense of your contempt for your fellow man is as mind-boggling as it is gut-wrenching. I knew "compassionate conservatism" was a cruel ruse. May your hate devour itself from within.


golden ticket member
It's a very old saying. My mom said it to me. It's not about evoking God. It's about being self sufficient and responsible for yourself, and no hate involved.

For instance, there's a violent storm in your neighborhood. Do you park your butt in a folding chair in the front yard and wait for the government, or do you start picking up the debris and then maybe help the guy next door pick up his mess too??? Real people don't just whine and cry.....they buck up and start working to make things better.

The chair sitter is what's wrong with this country.


Well-Known Member
before i reply, i want to say to over9: I didn't bring god into this, moreluck did. Moreluck, your invocation of god in defense of your contempt for your fellow man is as mind-boggling as it is gut-wrenching. I knew "compassionate conservatism" was a cruel ruse. May your hate devour itself from within.

and jesus went before the multitude who hungered, he caste aside the fishes and loaves and said, "god helps those who help themselves!"

moreluck 3:16

and as the time drew near, jesus upon the cross looked skyward and cried, "Father! Forget them for they refuse to help themselves!"

moreluck 8:69




Für Meno :)
It's a very old saying. My mom said it to me. It's not about evoking God. It's about being self sufficient and responsible for yourself, and no hate involved.

For instance, there's a violent storm in your neighborhood. Do you park your butt in a folding chair in the front yard and wait for the government, or do you start picking up the debris and then maybe help the guy next door pick up his mess too??? Real people don't just whine and cry.....they buck up and start working to make things better.

The chair sitter is what's wrong with this country.

Yeah, we seen those "chair sitters" getting killed on 9/11.
There are some disasters that you just can't see comming, you know ?
Like perhaps an earthquake, Tsunami (10 min warning), A satellite falling on your roof, or near you in California, those huge fires that burn up the houses, or landslides.
New Orleans, another place with chair sitters, eh ?
I guess they can sit a bit longer now, if the GOP has their way , until they find cuts to come and rescue them, and help rebuild.


golden ticket member
NOLA was exactly what I was thinking!! A whole week to get out and they still stayed. Then they wanted help after they blew it!


Well-Known Member
Oh for Christ's sake, God dammit, don't you have anything else to do....Jesus, Mary and Joseph, get a life!! Lord almighty, grow up and saints be praised, fly straight. (ok, now I sound like Maggie Griffin!)

Donna Reed is ashamed of you right now!

I would say you're gonna go to hell but then heaven, hell and the devil are all fictions anyway so I'll use Donna Reed who oddly enough is make believe too so we're not venturing to far from religion, if we're venturing at all!


golden ticket member
Donna Reed is ashamed of you right now!

I would say you're gonna go to hell but then heaven, hell and the devil are all fictions anyway so I'll use Donna Reed who oddly enough is make believe too so we're not venturing to far from religion, if we're venturing at all!
DONNA REED ??? Now who is OLD ????? Have you seen Paul Peterson lately. He's an old man!!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, we seen those "chair sitters" getting killed on 9/11.
There are some disasters that you just can't see comming, you know ?
Like perhaps an earthquake, Tsunami (10 min warning), A satellite falling on your roof, or near you in California, those huge fires that burn up the houses, or landslides.
New Orleans, another place with chair sitters, eh ?
I guess they can sit a bit longer now, if the GOP has their way , until they find cuts to come and rescue them, and help rebuild.


Her entire "chair sitting" crap is fallacious. For starters, I've been in 1 hurricane and 2 tornadoes with one direct hit and the other 2 nearby neighbors and neighborhoods who we went and helped. Of the hundreds of people I saw I never saw one person sitting in a chair waiting on gov't. There were people sitting in shock from the enormity of the situation, a very natural thing for any human being, but once someone clear headed took charge and offered direction and help, even a shoulder to cry on, everyone got up and got going. But that shock is natural and not a result of laziness or "waiting on the gov't" or anyone for that matter.

Truth is, if anyone is a "chair sitter" it's Moreluck. How many posts have been about the failure of gov't to fix the economy, create jobs (Obama's not done this! It's not his FVKING job too or Bush's for that matter) or stop a bunch of illegals from stepping into her lillywhite, Donna Reed world. If the violent storm of illegals is so bad, why don't her and her neighbors do something about them? Get guns and stop them from entering her area. Shoot the little creatons on sight. I mean she jumps with joy when her demands for gov't to do something ends up with a gov't agent becoming a murderer along the border over some fiction of an invisible line in the sand, why don't she just get her arse out of the chair herself and act on her own behalf instead of demanding gov't do it for her? Why make me pay for her benefit, how is that no different then the fictional chair sitter she speaks of?

Maybe she is right about the chair sitter after all and she knows so much about it because she has the perfect view!

Pot, meet Moreluck. Moreluck, meet Pot!


golden ticket member

Her entire "chair sitting" crap is fallacious. For starters, I've been in 1 hurricane and 2 tornadoes with one direct hit and the other 2 nearby neighbors and neighborhoods who we went and helped. Of the hundreds of people I saw I never saw one person sitting in a chair waiting on gov't. There were people sitting in shock from the enormity of the situation, a very natural thing for any human being, but once someone clear headed took charge and offered direction and help, even a shoulder to cry on, everyone got up and got going. But that shock is natural and not a result of laziness or "waiting on the gov't" or anyone for that matter.

Truth is, if anyone is a "chair sitter" it's Moreluck. How many posts have been about the failure of gov't to fix the economy, create jobs (Obama's not done this! It's not his FVKING job too or Bush's for that matter) or stop a bunch of illegals from stepping into her lillywhite, Donna Reed world. If the violent storm of illegals is so bad, why don't her and her neighbors do something about them? Get guns and stop them from entering her area. Shoot the little creatons on sight. I mean she jumps with joy when her demands for gov't to do something ends up with a gov't agent becoming a murderer along the border over some fiction of an invisible line in the sand, why don't she just get her arse out of the chair herself and act on her own behalf instead of demanding gov't do it for her? Why make me pay for her benefit, how is that no different then the fictional chair sitter she speaks of?

Maybe she is right about the chair sitter after all and she knows so much about it because she has the perfect view!

Pot, meet Moreluck. Moreluck, meet Pot!


Well-Known Member
"To preserve our independence, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. We must make our election between economy and liberty or profusion and servitude." TJ.


Staff member
"To preserve our independence, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. We must make our election between economy and liberty or profusion and servitude." TJ.
therefore, it is prudent to both increase taxation and reduce spending in order to reduce said debt.


golden ticket member
Simple math --I agree balance the budget and stop the 16 dollar muffins !!
I'd really like to see a $16 muffin !!! I want to stand next to one.



Strength through joy
wkmac, " Shoot the little creatons on sight. " is at least in this country illegal and could be considered murder.
Have you joined the shoot first and let god sort them out crowd ?