U.S. General


Strength through joy
strange how this is been played out;

McChrystal confirmed that in 2008 , he voted for barry.
barry picked McChrystal to run his war.
Now McChrystal has voted again this time with a vote of NO Confidence in barry.
when the military loses faith in the CIC, that is not good.
Confidence Waning in Obama, U.S. Outlook


Americans are more pessimistic about the state of the country and less confident in President Barack Obama's leadership than at any point since Mr. Obama entered the White House, according to a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll.

The survey also shows grave and growing concerns about the Gulf oil spill


Long Time Member
Re: U'S. General

No he's Petraus's man, he's the one to fire him


It didn't happen in the public forum; but it did and then Barak Obama acted as though he was in charge. Very shallow and not a strategic move politically or militarily.
The Soldiers would have been much more motivated by a "Mustang" statement than one that is PC.

Barry seems like he is inable to keep his attention on the many issues that are served to him... Each Day!!

BTW the Cap fell off..........Now what????????


Staff member
Re: U'S. General


It didn't happen in the public forum; but it did and then Barak Obama acted as though he was in charge. Very shallow and not a strategic move politically or militarily.
The Soldiers would have been much more motivated by a "Mustang" statement than one that is PC.

Barry seems like he is inable to keep his attention on the many issues that are served to him... Each Day!!

BTW the Cap fell off..........Now what????????
I think you underestimate the president. I think it went more along the lines of Obama calling Petraus and saying in essence, "David, ***?! This is your man, the guy you wanted in this spot and this is the kind of crap I get? Wednesday morning he is in my office with his resignation or he is in my office being relieved of duty." Obama doesn't have to act like he's in charge in public, he is in charge.


Long Time Member
Re: U'S. General

I think you underestimate the president. I think it went more along the lines of Obama calling Petraus and saying in essence, "David, ***?! This is your man, the guy you wanted in this spot and this is the kind of crap I get? Wednesday morning he is in my office with his resignation or he is in my office being relieved of duty." Obama doesn't have to act like he's in charge in public, he is in charge.

Actually No...I don't.

"Unity" and Leadership are the issue. In 2010; Command and Control doesn't work.
Barry found an opportunity to act like he was "in charge", and he took it.

McCrystal's removal will result in more years of my guys in war.

Bottom line!


Well-Known Member
Wikileaks is about to release to the public some extremely damaging material as it relates to the Afghan war and Obama, rightly or wrongly, just set his scape goat in front of the public in case it all goes critical mass!

The good general will take one for the team.


Staff member
Wikileaks is about to release to the public some extremely damaging material as it relates to the Afghan war and Obama, rightly or wrongly, just set his scape goat in front of the public in case it all goes critical mass!

The good general will take one for the team.
Seems to me like the general set himself up in that position himself.


Staff member
Re: U'S. General

Actually No...I don't.

"Unity" and Leadership are the issue. In 2010; Command and Control doesn't work.
Barry found an opportunity to act like he was "in charge", and he took it.

McCrystal's removal will result in more years of my guys in war.

Bottom line!
Unity and leadership? McChrystal showed none of those in his remarks. OUR guys are going to be there for a long, long time unless we simply decide like the Russians did that it's just not worth it. McChrystal is a blip on the radar which wouldn't have changed the long term prognosis one iota.


Für Meno :)
Re: U'S. General

Unity and leadership? McChrystal showed none of those in his remarks. OUR guys are going to be there for a long, long time unless we simply decide like the Russians did that it's just not worth it. McChrystal is a blip on the radar which wouldn't have changed the long term prognosis one iota.

Don't even get me started with Russia in Afghanistan.
The US should have never supported the Taliban back then, and maybe Afghanistan would be a nice peaceful country like Kazistan today ?
If they would have just left it up to Russia to clean that country up.
9/11 probably would have never happned either, and if, it would have been on Russian soil.


Strength through joy
Re: U'S. General

WASHINGTON (Friday, September 21, 2007) — The Senate on Thursday overwhelmingly passed a measure condemning MoveOn.org for a newspaper ad it ran last week attacking Gen. David Petraeus. The move came as President Bush accused Democrats of cowering to the liberal political action group.
. . . Partisans also took the opportunity to slam Clinton and Obama for not voting on the amendment.
“Senators Clinton and Obama need to decide whether they’re running for America, or running for MoveOn.org. If Clinton and Obama cannot bring themselves to take a stand against a vicious attack on the man leading our forces in Iraq, why should American voters believe they are capable of demonstrating the leadership we need in a commander in chief?” said Republican National Committee chairman Mike Duncan.

MoveOn Scrubs “General Betray Us” Page From Website . . .



Staff member
2007 barry and company thought Gen Petraeus was the enemy.
2010 now he is going to be their hero.
funny how they now have to scrub clean all the negative stuff, as to change history.
Not really. Obama was always for the war in Afganistan and Petraus is the man for counter-insurgency.


Space Cadet
2007 barry and company thought Gen Petraeus was the enemy.
2010 now he is going to be their hero.
funny how they now have to scrub clean all the negative stuff, as to change history.

See, I consider this a real challenge for General Petraeus; Stan was HIS man, the acolyte at the feet of the master; now General Dave gets to show that his strategy works, because he is DA MAN. Frankly, I think Afghanistan has been the devourer of empires for millenia; the US has no chance whatsoever of creating a functional state out of the barrel of a gun. General Petraeus's career will founder because he can't make this thing work, either.

The sooner we stop spending blood and treasure on a lost cause, the better. There are much smarter ways to cripple Al Qeuda than to have 100,000+ troops running around the moonscape called Afghanistan. Bring them all home, and bank the money for infrastructure in THIS country. Fix all the roads and bridges, fund every startup that thinks they can reduce our dependence on petroleum, pay subsidies to everyone who wants to go to college, subsidize everyone to weather-proof their home and reduce energy use.


Für Meno :)
See, I consider this a real challenge for General Petraeus; Stan was HIS man, the acolyte at the feet of the master; now General Dave gets to show that his strategy works, because he is DA MAN. Frankly, I think Afghanistan has been the devourer of empires for millenia; the US has no chance whatsoever of creating a functional state out of the barrel of a gun. General Petraeus's career will founder because he can't make this thing work, either.

The sooner we stop spending blood and treasure on a lost cause, the better. There are much smarter ways to cripple Al Qeuda than to have 100,000+ troops running around the moonscape called Afghanistan. Bring them all home, and bank the money for infrastructure in THIS country. Fix all the roads and bridges, fund every startup that thinks they can reduce our dependence on petroleum, pay subsidies to everyone who wants to go to college, subsidize everyone to weather-proof their home and reduce energy use.

That was Reagans biggest mistake.
He should have left the Russians in peace handle Afghanistan, and we wouldn't be there today.


Space Cadet
The sooner we stop spending blood and treasure on a lost cause, the better. There are much smarter ways to cripple Al Qeuda than to have 100,000+ troops running around the moonscape called Afghanistan. Bring them all home, and bank the money for infrastructure in THIS country. Fix all the roads and bridges, fund every startup that thinks they can reduce our dependence on petroleum, pay subsidies to everyone who wants to go to college, subsidize everyone to weather-proof their home and reduce energy use.

Nifty site out there that tells you what could be bought for the money we have wasted in Iraq and Afghanistan.
One example: Taxpayers in Kentucky will pay $5.7 billion for total Iraq war spending since 2003. For the same amount of money, the following could have been provided:

706,410 Scholarships for University Students for One Year

Or, if you want to fund a student for all 4 years of a bachelor's degree, 176,602 students in Kentucky could have a college education for what Kentucky taxpayers have spent on the mess in Iraq. Considering what a boost this would be for Kentucky, you have to seriously ask yourselves, is this tradeoff worth it?

I think we need to be asking this question when we debate the Federal Deficit. Over 1 Trillion dollars have been spent on Iraq and Afghanistan since 2001. Most of that was kept off the books by the Bush Administration. President Obama brought that spending into the light of day. So now he gets hammered for 'busting the budget'. Which is ridiculous.

Busting up terrorist plots must be done. Is this the smartest way to do it?