Ukraine Conducts "Military Exercise" in Russia


Well-Known Member
Now South African/Canadian/American Elon Musk is shilling for Russia.


(He's already deleted the tweet and pivoted to yelling at people.)
while you shill for the Ukraine?


Well-Known Member
Russia and Ukraine are both two eastern european :censored2:holes. I just want to see an end to global american hegemony and a shift towards a multipolar world from the current unipolar paradigm. So I want America to lose in any possible way it can.


Well-Known Member
Cavalry. Need a pretty deep foxhole to hide an M1 MBT.
understand that but unless somethings changed in how we conduct basic you still dug a few there.
do they still teach you how to evade capture when your horse gets shot from under you.
at some point we're all foot soldiers when things dont go as planned?


What's going to happen when Zelensky, the darling of social media, decides to try and take back the Russian-speaking border provinces that Putin took through a sham referendum?

How long are we going to keep bankrolling Ukraine and call it a "proxy" war?
This administration should be trying to DE-escalate but instead we've got Action Joe up there saying how we're on the brink of "Armageddon" while Congress bankrolls another $650 million dollar security package for Ukraine.

We had a possible deal back at the beginning of the war but the Biden Administration shot it down.

Regime change.