Yet another non-issue blown out of proportion and shared with UPSers on BrownCafe:
Here's what management actually said:
"Hey guys, great work out there. We are seeing some drivers work 8 hour days, resulting in some drivers being on road for 12-13 hours. Furthermore, we see some drivers taking a bit longer than they should in order to pad hours. This is unacceptable, and we want full accountability. That's why, from now on, if you come in early without prior authorization, or you deliberately pad your stops so you work a longer day, you will be issued a written warning. We ran this by your steward who had no problems. If you have any questions, I ask you to direct them to me personally. I think this is fair and that none of you would have problems with this, being you're the best damn couriers in the industry."
How it's portrayed on browncafe:
"Hey, wow, those fetuses for lunch sure tasted great. Man I love this company and hate the people below me. That's why I beat up my wife, but being that isn't enough, I decide to take up my hatred on everyone else. I hate you all. And I want to make your life as difficult and miserable as possible, like mine. That's why, from now on, you are required to work 10 hour days. No more, no less. Anything more, I'll be doing whatever it takes to fire you. Because knowing that you have to tell your kid that he isn't going to play baseball this summer while you find a new job is going to give me all the more pleasure, that is, before I club a baby seal in the head. Hail Eskew."
Let's be realistic here. Contrary to popular unionist belief, managers say things FOR A REASON.