You're right the numbers don't show how bad Bush m....ed up our economy.It also shows that ONE number does not tell the whole story...........this applies to many things in life that we encounter.
It has nothing to do with Bush.....checking the broad spectrum just makes sense for people who can think for themselves.You're right the numbers don't show how bad Bush friend....ed up our economy.
Looks like less people are working to provide for their families.
Huh?One possible reason being put forth for the decline in labor participation, is the elimination of long term unemployment benefits. It costs money to look for a job. Another reason put forth is that a great many people who would normally be 'labor participants' are now excluded, many of them minorities, due to the uneven 'justice' administered due to a failed 'war on drugs' and for profit prisons.
Interestingly, all of the above could be fixed by more government.
Looks like less people are working to provide for their families.
If the are not working to provide for their famies, how are their families being provided for?
More people on food stamps, welfare and public assisted housing.
A Democrat's dream, more people enslaved to the government.
We all know how the Democrats love slavery.
Again you TROLL PATROL members want it both ways. Didn't you all say that the president was just a FIGURE HEAD?The one thing you can count on republicans to do is screw things up!
For those who need a "Refresher" on republic policy......
Recessions Since 1950 and Party in WH at
Jul 1953 - May 1954 Republican
Aug 1957 - Apr 1958 Republican
Apr 1960 - Feb 1961 Republican
Dec 1969 - Nov 1970 Republican
Nov 1973 - Mar 1975 Republican
Jan 1980 - July 1980 Democrat
Jul 1981 - Nov 1982 Republican
Jul 1990 - Mar 1991 Republican
Mar 2001 - Nov 2001 Republican
Dec 2007 - Jun 2009 Republican
There have been 22 recessions since 1900.
16 have started under Republican leadership, 6
under Democrat leadership and the 2 worst 1929
and now when Repubs had control of WH and congress for more than 8 years(the
only times in history)
Given repub economic history, the 2 largest
depressions in our history, the only 2 times they have had control of congress
and WH for more than 8 years.. why does anyone listen to them on economics,
when they never show supporting economic data.. just beliefs.