have to ask about this -
"If done right, using proper management employee relations and workplace discipline holding workers accountable is very simple."
What are you basing this statement on? How many union workers have you held accountable?
I am basing my statement on fact. It is very difficult to hold any person accountable in today's society.
Many people are become defensive when they are being held accountable.
I said it was simple, but I never said it was easy.
Here is my simple method of holding some one accountable with Integrity.
Step One
Have the right attitude.
Treat every person with dignity and respect at all times, remember workers are people, not machines.
A person is a complex being, each one may be going through trials and temptations that are hard.
Life can be hard.
When holding someone accountable the goal is never to hurt someone or make someones life harder. It is done only to make things better.
Step 2
Casually talk with the person.
Ask them about themselves.
Verbally explain the situation that may need improvement.
Ask if there is anything that anyone can do to help improve in the area of need.
If no improvement noticed proceed to Step 3.
Step 3
Verbally review situatuon with the persons Shop Steward.
Give the steward a chance to correct the situation.
Let the steward know that you are concerned and want to help the employee improve in any way possible.
Clarify with the steward you really want to avoid the official progressive discipline.
Let the steward also know that if the situation continues you will have no choice but to move to the progressive discipline that the union accepts.
Ask the steward to get back you.
If no improvement notice move to step 4.
Step 4
Use the progressive discipline accepted by the Union.