And the messed up thing about it is the heavy guy is a real class act and would help out anyone in any situation. He donates his time and money for some pretty good causes and I would defend him till death. But on this forum, I remain quiet towards the posters, make a point here and there and go on with my business.
I will end this with a quaote from Plato
“Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something.”
Have a good weekend Tooner and Int
I dont know why it stuck me as unusally mean, but it did. Maybe its coz Ive gained more than a few since I hit middle age. Maybe it is because it was about unfair production expectations, and since we cant beat those, we beat a guy who has gained some weight. Maybe I am just too sensitive. But one thing I know, like 804 said, hes a good guy. And I dont know the guy, but one thing I know and was taught at a young age, is respect. Some posts on many threads has gotten to the point of being mean. Who the hell has time to be mean? It is bad for your health, it makes you look ugly, even if you are at the perfect weight and condition. Ugly is to the bone.
A favorite saying of mine has always been
I might be fat but I can lose weight, Ugly is forever.
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