10 point
Well-Known Member
Surepost is not a contract violation. The company made agreements with some shippers to mirror and stop the bleeding of volume to FedEx's Smartpost program.Simple things like surepost and access points which are blatant contract violations and taking away of jobs are being done in front of all of us, you guys are too worried about tdu vs ibt when all this energy could be spent actually solving problems!!!!
People are getting harassed daily, there are many area months behind on greviences, guys out for months for bs firing yet all these Stewart's have time to engage in this bs
Either way sorry to interrupt your Guys battle that will never stop.... I'll see my way out of this thread
Are there abuses in the surepost system? Yes. We ( here) watch them daily for the pkgs that are depicted as violating the CBA and bring them back to be reprocessed for UPS drivers to deliver the next day.
Proximity stops abuse????? That's on the IBT Pkg Division leadership. Yeah, we're still waiting on a definition of those. That's bull for sure. (Unless the local got clarification on them and didn't educate us on it.

Yes. My solution is not give any cares? You know why, this system already in place is faulted. Very faulted and there is no way any side is going to fix this. We as humans are such "know it all" that instead of getting together doing the only thing that will fix it
a total revolution and starting from an absolutely clean slate
we instead have the urge to go back and forth. Any 2 party system is failed, the whole political system in this country is failed.
"Lesser of all evils" is how it is and that's not how it's supposed to be.
I'll sit back, laugh at the politics in every aspect of this government from is teamsters to the presidential election and do the only thing any person who is convent does.... Sit back and laugh all the way to the bank
We need an absolute and total reset, any government or leadership in a proper society is not meant to last close to as long as ours has. I just like to point out to people so involved in this silly battle how stupid they look from somebody who understands the whole end game.
I don't vote for anything. Since the 60s everything is rigged, and who ever you vote for does nothing to actually help, show me one recent contract we haven't given concessions. All voting does is make people think they can change the outcome....
The outcome of ups making more money, giving us less, and slowly eroding the teamsters is in full effect and there is absolutely no way in hell the train can be stopped. Doesn't matter which side you vote for ups wins and will keep winning
All of this back and forth energy needs to be spent getting us young guys to care, but when we see this we don't.
Allow me to explain that overview in my singular observation:
If I have ten tons of gravel to spread on my driveway and I only have a spade to do it with I'm sure as heck not going to put off because it looks like an insurmountable job and just give up and walk away.
All of us on this forum have one shovel, one life, and one opportunity to spread what we believe and who we believe in for leadership. That is our right and responsibility. Period.
I have many times wanted to say screw this and let someone else carry my load, do my homework, protect my rights. But after the smoke cleared and I ran out of pity party invitations I realized that it only took one Jonathan to start the butt kicking the Philistines got, one Kennedy to stare down the Cubans and Russians, and one Washington to march on Trenton when they were facing eminent destruction.
The people on here are not weak. But giving up is cowardly and we want no part of that whatsoever.