I yawn when I hear p/ters, friend/ters, anyone, whine about how they got screwed during negotiations and final agreements. Why? I'm not gonna argue here again whether ANYBODY got bruised then or in the future.
I've said this before in other threads and post, that I go to just about every possible meeting, be it general, proposal, grievance, whatever. How many friend/ters have I seen there? How many P/Ters have I seen there? At any given meeting, there (out of nearly 500 employed here in various positions) is only a handful present. In fact, for the UPS part of the meetings, we could probably hold it at the local Village Inn.
For the last contract, here, again I say HERE, there were a series of proposal meetings, some for p/ters, some for friend/ters. Due to sleeper schedule, I was only able to attend one. There were five (5) people there! Two (2) were union BAs, three (3) were friend/ters, all feeder drivers! I heard other meetings were similar-little to no attendance!
Also, how many actually VOTED on the contract? Oh, now everybody will say, "I did and I voted NO!" Yeah, right! I don't have figures in front of me but it wouldn't take much to get them, but a 20% participation rate sticks in my head for the last vote.
My point? If you were at those meetings, if you voted your choice and you still feel you got screwed, then I feel you have a valid bitch. I you DIDN'T go and DIDN'T vote, then, well, quite frankly, I'd like to say, "Shutup"!