Browncafe Steward
+1 Over and over and over.
The Teamsters state that everyone is represented equally. Hogwash. The part timers are used as cannon fodder, pawns, to negotiate issues for the full time drivers.
There are those here that say "well, then, the part-timers should vote more, make their feelings known" which is also a lousy argument - those just starting out part time do not have the experience & knowledge of those that have been union members for years. You want to tout your brotherhood? Help those under your own wing that don't understand the process, and support them, even though the help you give the part timer does not help you at all.
The fact that the starting wage for part timers is the same as it was TWO DECADES AGO, and the benefits now kick in much later, I defy anyone to argue how the "Union Brothers" have helped the little guy, the newbies, the part timers.
It is an embarrassment that that the teamsters refuse to see this. 705, you state that all is well because, contractually, the starting wage is just a minimum, and UPS can raise that number at any time. This is factually correct. Also factually correct is that the contract does not prohibit UPS from hiring hookers every Friday afternoon (OK, union hookers) for "stress relief purposes", but I don't see that happening either.
+1 Billion
Alternatively, you can throw the horse under a bus, cook it up, serve it to the full timers with french fries. Tastes like chicken.
Every single one that I have been aware of.
Now answer mine - Why hasn't the union pushed for a fair starting wage for part timers for the past two decades?
I'm sure, as a Union Steward, you are very good, very effective, and your work is appreciated by those you represent. Sincerely.
As a person who debates on a forum, however, and I say this with respect, you are just not very good at it. I've seen it with your battles with others here - instead of answering questions, informing, enlightening, you get immediately frustrated & start calling people names. It is not good debate and, just an FYI, it gets very boring.
What is your mother's maiden name and birthday, by the way?
And what ability do you have that allows you to judge how good someone is at what they do? Is it because you have failed in life at everything you have tried?....wait - shouldn't we password protect this site? That way, someone from outside UPS can't come in here & learn of the existence of the Teamsters.
Here's your ass back.
Now please re-read your posts in this topic. I have quoted them here for you, now hopefully you have your kids this weekend so they could read it back to you!
You ran off your mouth about the Teamsters not addressing the part time wages over the last 2 decades. I pointed out that you were WRONG! It was 97 when the wages were raised for part timers. It was 1982 when the UPS went to a two tier pay scale, part timers and full timers. That was approved by everyone that was working here in 1982. Your beef is with anyone that allowed this to happen then!!!!
Every contract that we have had has passed with a majority vote for it. There are a lot more part time employees then full time employees and every ballot gets sent to each members house. Now the fact is more full timers vote compared to part timers.
We are not talking about a secret handshake you maroon! A sup started this post saying that the union sells out part timers, when the fact of the matter is UPS treats the part timers far worse then the union ever could!!!
In 2002 the part timers received $1 more in raises then the full timers did over the 6 years. In 2008 every employee will receive the same bi-yearly raises part time and full time. There is no one else to blame but the people that have the power to vote on these issues.
How many meeting have you attended? You keep dodging this question!
Im willing to bet that you have more screen names on here then years of service with ups!!!!