union steward


Well-Known Member
Our Steward here just wouldn't shut up about how UPS is gonna screw us over with insurance. Then when The Teamsters said they'll run it he went on and on how Teamsters will change our insurance a few months down the road and will be crap. Every other word was Strike. Get your strike shirts on. I'm on vacation first two weeks of August. It's gonna be a two month strike.

Them we reach a tentative agreement and he hasn't been flapping his jaw very much. Only good thing I've ever heard him say was he was retiring in about six years. Once he does, and he's officially no longer a UPS employee, I'll tell him what I really think of him.


Well-Known Member
If your a steward and you don't represent your fellow teamsters best interest then you should be ashamed. Don't put yourself in those shoes if your not willing to fill them.

Quit asking so much what the union can do for you, rather ask what you can do for your union.

The middle class is under attack. It's time to take a stand.

Last but not least... The union begins and ends with you. You are the union.

heathswall, welcome to Brown Cafe.

1) In regard to your statement; "If your a steward and you don't represent your fellow teamsters best interest then you should be ashamed. Don't put yourself in those shoes if your not willing to fill them."

A union steward is only as good as the business agent that he or she reports to. A business agent has the authority and power to make "Local Level" agreements which supersede all other contract language (in most cases unless otherwise specified in the National or Region supplement language). Because it is the BA that will make final decisions at Local Level hearing, I always recommend that members filing grievances first make contact with the BA to determine whether or not he/she will support the grievance.

Union stewards come in a variety of Types:

Type 1 - One that has intrinsic core values of protecting those that are unable to protect themselves. Ability to read, understand, and enforce contractual language. Excellent mediation and peace keeping skills between fellow coworkers and management. Fairly evaluates and informs fellow coworkers when their actions do not comply with contractual language.

Type 2 - Authority/Power Complex - Some people become stewards simply to exercise "authority" over management whenever possible.

Type 3 - Self-centered / Self-serving - Some individuals become union stewards because they place themselves in situations where they can make "deals" with management.... Fewer hours on road for that steward...less physical work inside....etc...

Type 4 - Unquestionably faithful well intentioned steward - This group of stewards have loyalty to a specific group within the Union hierarchy...much like our two party political system. They mean well but will follow their leaders with blinding faith and conviction.

Type 5 - Combination - Some stewards have a combination of the above qualities...



Well-Known Member
Our Steward here just wouldn't shut up about how UPS is gonna screw us over with insurance. Then when The Teamsters said they'll run it he went on and on how Teamsters will change our insurance a few months down the road and will be crap. Every other word was Strike. Get your strike shirts on. I'm on vacation first two weeks of August. It's gonna be a two month strike.

Them we reach a tentative agreement and he hasn't been flapping his jaw very much. Only good thing I've ever heard him say was he was retiring in about six years. Once he does, and he's officially no longer a UPS employee, I'll tell him what I really think of him.

Tell him now..... he is no better than yourself. Many stewards have no idea what people think of them behind their back. I'm sure that you are not the only person that feels the way you do.


Got the T-Shirt
A union steward is only as good as the business agent that he or she reports to.

I can't say that I agree with that.

New steward's.... tend to follow the lead of their business agent. That is the person they know.

Long term steward's, tend to be more analytical and independent. (especially if they have dealt with several different agents)

A business agent has the authority and power to make "Local Level" agreements which supersede all other contract language (in most cases unless otherwise specified in the National or Region supplement language).

Any agreement an agent makes at the local level.... should be within the confines of the contractual language. Period.

Besides.... it is not "precedent" setting.

Any agent "cutting a deal" on clear contractual language.... shouldn't be in office.

The rest of your post.... on the type's of steward's.... You make some valid points.

If the members aren't satisfied with their steward, they should discuss any concerns with their Local.

And, just because you don't like them "personally".... doesn't mean you can have them removed, based on your "feelings".
