Well-Known Member
Our Steward here just wouldn't shut up about how UPS is gonna screw us over with insurance. Then when The Teamsters said they'll run it he went on and on how Teamsters will change our insurance a few months down the road and will be crap. Every other word was Strike. Get your strike shirts on. I'm on vacation first two weeks of August. It's gonna be a two month strike.
Them we reach a tentative agreement and he hasn't been flapping his jaw very much. Only good thing I've ever heard him say was he was retiring in about six years. Once he does, and he's officially no longer a UPS employee, I'll tell him what I really think of him.
Them we reach a tentative agreement and he hasn't been flapping his jaw very much. Only good thing I've ever heard him say was he was retiring in about six years. Once he does, and he's officially no longer a UPS employee, I'll tell him what I really think of him.