Unvaccinated UPS Driver who mocked Covid as hoax dies of Delta infection

What about people that have stage 4 cancer and contracted covid and died?

I get that and on the surface it seems skewed but I heard a theory about that exact subject. The person with stage 4 cancer may or may not have died the particular day they did pass due to the cancer. Or COVID could have been a contributing factor to causing the death before the stage 4 cancer (yes I know stage 4 are usually on palliative care until hospice when it gets to that point). Apparently COVID doesn't actually kill you so much as the acceleration of the damage it causes to your body. In a lot of those cases COVID positive patients who pass will have COVID listed on the death certificate because sometimes they just don't know if Covid accelerated the process of death.

I heard that and thought it might be a possibility, but im no college graduate so what do I know. It was just something we could all discuss. ๐Ÿป to the 13 in kabul.
I was insane that I don't trust all numbers


I'm a star


Well-Known Member
Secular progressivism is by far the most intensely brainwashed religion of all time. It doesnโ€™t even gain the modernist anything. Itโ€™s dysgenic, it literally is destroying the societies that Christendom built. Christianity completes our souls longing that canโ€™t be explained by anything else, it gives us transcendent meaning and purpose. We benefit so highly from the rituals and the traditions and the sacred scriptures. The only thing the masks and vaccines give you is a holy spiral and the feelgoods when other people notice you being obedient to your religious faith.

Poop Head

Judge me.
Why are vaccines political when the overwhelming majority of anti-vaxxers are just anti-vaccine because they're scared of needles in the same way that babies and small children are?
You get your booster shot yet big guy?
You can have my shots too, if you dont feel safe enough from this cold with just three.


Inordinately Right
Dude you haven't even given me an example of them doing it yet? You had several I thought, this is honestly pretty weak.
I didn't have to, you already admitted Kamala Harris undermined confidence in vaccine safety. There's a lot of other examples, why do I need to hold your hand here? Do a simple Google search buddy.


Well-Known Member
Liberals liberals liberals!
Democrats! Liberals! Democrats
Your masters are sooooo happy with your allegiance, DIDO
You will be handsomely rewarded with tax cuts for the rich you support with your vote ๐Ÿ˜Ž
Liberals are Trump supporters now.

The only people voting democrat are communists and CNN viewers