I was insane that I don't trust all numbersWhat about people that have stage 4 cancer and contracted covid and died?
I get that and on the surface it seems skewed but I heard a theory about that exact subject. The person with stage 4 cancer may or may not have died the particular day they did pass due to the cancer. Or COVID could have been a contributing factor to causing the death before the stage 4 cancer (yes I know stage 4 are usually on palliative care until hospice when it gets to that point). Apparently COVID doesn't actually kill you so much as the acceleration of the damage it causes to your body. In a lot of those cases COVID positive patients who pass will have COVID listed on the death certificate because sometimes they just don't know if Covid accelerated the process of death.
I heard that and thought it might be a possibility, but im no college graduate so what do I know. It was just something we could all discuss. to the 13 in kabul.