Michael greger did a video on this. we only started eating meat recentlySo human canines weren’t for our diets……they were for biting other horney humans during * fights?
Michael greger did a video on this. we only started eating meat recentlySo human canines weren’t for our diets……they were for biting other horney humans during * fights?
Do you ever get tired of being wrong?Michael greger did a video on this. we only started eating meat recently
Michael greger did a video on this. we only started eating meat recently
Coming from an expert on being wrong.Do you ever get tired of being wrong?
nowadays even nutrition action recommends mostly plant based diets.If we didn't eat meat we would have much larger intestinal tracts and smaller brains. Meat is outsourced eating. We let cuddly wuddly, cutesy wootsy woodland critters and prairie dwellers spend 80% of their time eating gross vegetable matter and convert it to calorie dense, delicious meat and fat that we can eat so we can only spend 10% or less of our time stuffing our gullets with their tender, succulent flesh and still get the nutrients we need for our giant brains.
im right but ppl are too immature to give credit to my minority opinionsDo you ever get tired of being wrong?
Michael greger did a video on this. we only started eating meat recently
Do you ever get tired of being wrong?
LMFAOif meat was so full of nutrition wouldnt it say it on the nutritional info?
The Diet We Were Designed to Eat | NutritionFacts.org
There are three broad theories about evolution and food. One is that humans have become adapted to grains and other products of the agriculturalnutritionfacts.org
whats ur point?LMFAO
You realize that is greger's website right?
Learn how to internet kiddo.whats ur point?
do u even have a point?Learn how to internet kiddo.
That you're wrong as always.do u even have a point?
do u even have a point?
ur giving @operationalneeds monopoly guy a run for her money
Hi im taller than u, i make more money than u, im more politically effective than u, i vote for more hinest candidates than u, my shoes r bigger and oranger thanu puck offThat you're wrong as always.
Ttku kiddo.
So you're a Democrat?Because disgusting Democrats politicized it.
That you're wrong as always.
Ttku kiddo.
Hi im taller than u, i make more money than u, im more politically effective than u, i vote for more hinest candidates than u, my shoes r bigger and oranger thanu puck off
Growing boyI eat a metricton of meat everyday.
And even more vegetables.
hey that goes for you too puss n willows!View attachment 350515
You're in trouble now @DriveInDriveOut. You’ve made him mad.
View attachment 350514
Look at those guns! Lol.
She should stick with stuff she's good at. Like leaking drunk naked pictures.
Why not? They did it with covid.Duh, Everyone dies but you can't blame the vaccine when a person dies in an auto accident driving home from the vaccination center.