not suprsing someone (an america) rated your post as funny. its a culture of overwhelming cruelty.So, it's a long story.. I'd appreciate a read and maybe an opinion? After last and final appeal they politely told me to sue if I disagreed. Tried lawyer, after a year we both realized this probably needed a lawyer who handles more then just s disability case, so we parted ways. Giving UPS one last chance to fix this before I resume the other way to do things. 23 years at ups, last 3 as an Orion Support Specialist.. great qprs, I thought I had my PTSD issues behind me. April 23rd of 2017 my world collapsed and I ended up knees to chest, fetal position, rocking back and forth.. they took me to Va ER, where I was admitted to the Mental Health Ward on suicide watch for 7 days... the next 6 months i remember like a nightmare .. I remember coming home heavily sedated and medicated, but, UPS wanted their paperwork filled out!!! I remember Aetna offering to help me, and then having me write the word if the claim and the subsequent appeals, all denied, shock... I llij back on all the paperwork they "helped" me with and it looks like a 12 year old did it...
My therapist says when the event happened I went thru a major psychological regression. I basically became a child intent on killing myself, and, in my opinion, and the lawyer stated this as her opinion, this is typical, they take away all my resources and wait me out.
I believe they hoping I become another combat veteran with PTSD statistic, and off myself, saving them some $$$
I had 2 years to go before early retirement. All I want is my disability pay. And my benefits turned back on so I can get civilian doctors!!! And when I am ready to come back we will give it a go. But not ready yetbut.. I have found my voice
please go follow me on Twitter * I am finding it great therapy to talk about ny past and my therapist loves how I'm using it, join me or, just check in on me from time to time and say hey.
17years in TSG
Last 5 in IE on Orion team
Picture is me holding an M-60 while on southern Iraq border in the middle of desert in 90, waiting #ArmyStrong. Heavy asf, props to Rambo
the govt doesnt care about soldiers. the wars for for $$$ not anything noble.
in terms of healthcare, its likely more profitable to deny you healthcare than to help you.
id recommend looking into dual citizenship and leave america. you can obtain dual citizenship sometimes based on where your grandparents were born.