Sheep DAWG
Well-Known Member
I'm so sick of hearing people talking about voting the current IBT officers back into office. You would have to be a blind fool not to see that the international has turned a complete blind eye to all of UPS's stepped up harassment, retaliation and just plain work place bullying tactics. Especially in the last 2 years. And before any of you jump to their defense, I'm a 33 year union member, 31 of which are full time driver. I remember what it was like to have strong union representation. Use too management feared you filing a they encourage you too. Our local never wins a case at the Atlantic Area Grievance Panel. When is the last time you ever heard of a member getting back pay????? I say it's because all the members who were under Central States Pension Plan,,,,.their business agents also negotiated themselves to be covered under the UPS/IBT plan, ,,,even if they were never employees of UPS.....don't take my word for it, request to see how one sided the wins are at the panel....figures don't lie but liars will figure.