Ups automotive


Ponies and Planes
I am not owed "overtime" nor did i state that anywhere. I just happen to work at a building where you have to work it to get everything done. Not all the buildings in my district are like that but mine is and always has been. And yes we do get alot of 6'th and 7'th days here because its a 24-7 operation and when somebody calls out on a weekend or is scheduled off they have to bring somebody in for coverage. Oh yea by the way Parcel likes to promote their weaker mechanic and keep the ones that are good. So that explains why your in management. I'm sure you will say how great it is. But the truth is your paying for your benefits, you have no 401k anymore and i know you took a pay cut. Plus they will ship you out if you make the smallest mistake. I have 8 1/2 years left I'll be 49 when I retire with a full pension. A supervisor like you (judging the way you talk to me on here) wouldn't last a week in this district....

I'm pretty sure you recently stated that a work slow down was the way to get overtime. Despite the drawbacks you motioned, the sup (or management) can terminate people that "kick it back" so I'd be careful in publicizing your overtime plan or you might not make it another 8 1/2. There's not many 24/7 operations that have a 40 year old mechanic that started at age 19 with 8 1/2 years left to go. Think about it.