I have a solution. PT’ers don’t care about health insurance, just the number on their paychecks. Take away PT health insurance with the next contract and give them a pay bump. It’s rare for part time employees with any other company to get that benefit anyway so get rid of it.
Well, kind of, that would really just create another problem. The contributions on behalf of all of the PTers keeps any of us from paying premiums. If you cut that many contributions out, we would almost certainly be paying a premium or have a marked increase in deductibles, or in the west and NJ, create a deductible.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
I have a solution. PT’ers don’t care about health insurance, just the number on their paychecks. Take away PT health insurance with the next contract and give them a pay bump. It’s rare for part time employees with any other company to get that benefit anyway so get rid of it. Everyone’s happy.
Are you the famous “Cell Phone Yeet “ I’ve been hearing about? Company man and part time hateful bully?


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Well, kind of, that would really just create another problem. The contributions on behalf of all of the PTers keeps any of us from paying premiums. If you cut that many contributions out, we would almost certainly be paying a premium or have a marked increase in deductibles, or in the west and NJ, create a deductible.


Not gonna let ‘em catch the Midnight Rider
Well, kind of, that would really just create another problem. The contributions on behalf of all of the PTers keeps any of us from paying premiums. If you cut that many contributions out, we would almost certainly be paying a premium or have a marked increase in deductibles, or in the west and NJ, create a deductible.
I withdraw my previous statement.

From a Land Brown Under

Well-Known Member
I used to think simulation theory was a bunch of Woodstock Era nonsense from boomers filled with too much LSD in their spines and was a conspiracy theory. I think this thread proves that I'm still living inside a bad trip inside someone imagination of that era.


Not gonna let ‘em catch the Midnight Rider
I used to think simulation theory was a bunch of Woodstock Era nonsense from boomers filled with too much LSD in their spines and was a conspiracy theory. I think this thread proves that I'm still living inside a bad trip inside someone imagination of that era.
Call me in 10 years or more when you grow up. You’ll find we aren’t so different, just in different stages of our lives.