Pees in the brown Koolaid
A lot of dogs...even mean ones....will "catch" a treat that you toss at them simply out of habit. I have seen aggressive dogs literally stopped in their tracks by a biscuit. At the very least, if you wind up having to stomp the crap out of the dog in self defense, the biscuit is evidence that you at least tried to use non-violent methods first.This is why I've started carrying the milk bone treats. Not that it would have done any good in this situation, but if it's one less dog growling at me that's good enough.
There really should be harsher penalties for negligent dog owners. Way too many of them out there. Deludeds.
It seems counter-intuitive, but the fact that I am on a rural route where most dogs are running loose is actually an advantage. If the dog is loose on the property, I can see it and evaluate its behavior prior to exiting the vehicle. Its the dogs we don't see ahead of time that bite us.