One question for all of you, can this apwa stand up against UPS and get us over a $1/hr raise and keep us from having to pay for our medical?
yes they can, what they are saying is ,first we vote in apwa and
out the ibt,then we take the money ups pays for our h & w and get our own , not the crap cs is handing out to us now, take our pension money and put it to work for full time ups only people, which we just went up to 214.00 from 190.00 as of aug. 1 ,2006, which adds up to over 25, 038,000.00 aweek for 117,000 fulltime employees x 52 wks = 1,301,976,000.00 ayear!!!!!!!!!! people this what apwa has been trying to get through to everyone this is not chump change !!!!!!! we should have the best plan. take the contract we have , cross out ibt ,put in apwa and have one greavance plan which should be the same throuh out the nation, not different in other areas of the nation.and what i mean by this is , if some has a greavance and a man or woman won it down south , up nrth out west or back east,then case close, pay them or settle up ,none of this , you didn't dot the i or cross the t nonsense or you spelled words wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if we have control of our pension money ,we have control of our destiney, right now ibt has control of it with central states and our $$$$$$$ is put into a pool so they can pay everyone else with it!!!!!! and we have no choices until now , go apwa!!!!!!!!!
oh ,one more thing , apwa already knows what they can do with the money and offer us, go see their websight