UPS loses Costco account


Well-Known Member
I was just at a Costco Business Center. They do fulfillment for the online grocery orders. They are shipping exclusively with FedEx. But when I recently ordered non-grocery items on, it has come through UPS.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
I had an idiot send a sample of some red liquid in a next day letter. Of course it leaked all over the floor of the truck. I had to use a customers hose to hose out the vehicle. What idiots.
"Don't touch, leave the area, notify a supervisor"...

Also the way to handle a @rickyb sighting. If you start hearing Chomsky quotes it's time to get outta there even if you haven't seen him yet.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
I had one Costco package in my truck yesterday

What scares me about Amazon is not about the amount of packages it's about the amount of stops that we get from them
What scares me is the amount of retail stores and websites that used to ship with us selling their products on Amazon. That’s what, for some reason, many people on this forum can’t seem to understand.