UPS might be bought by Amazon...


Well-Known Member
So with the new administration effectively freezing the NLRB, is UPS still a union workforce going forward? How strong is the contract that can’t be enforced with an administration that would never allow a strike to happen?
We don’t have a strike clause.


Well-Known Member
So the company can do whatever it wants
Well… sometimes it feels that way, but we do have a grievance procedure. There has quite a few steps as well as arbitration. If it got far enough to strike, I would not feel comfortable with the current NLRB situation.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
So with the new administration effectively freezing the NLRB, is UPS still a union workforce going forward? How strong is the contract that can’t be enforced with an administration that would never allow a strike to happen?

So the company can do whatever it wants

During the Hoffa years and before that the International did "whatever it wants" ignoring the rank and file, the Company just ran with it.


Well-Known Member
During the Hoffa years and before that the International did "whatever it wants" ignoring the rank and file, the Company just ran with it.
Honestly, if you don’t have a competent local, and understand that members need to file grievances when the company violates the contract the company can still “just run with it.”


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
Honestly, if you don’t have a competent local, and understand that members need to file grievances when the company violates the contract the company can still “just run with it.”

They would file if they had the confidence that the Union would have their backs. No.. the Company doesn’t retaliate:



Inordinately Right
So with the new administration effectively freezing the NLRB, is UPS still a union workforce going forward?
Biden did the same thing when he was installed as President.

All these chicken littles crying about the sky falling.

Turn off NPR and CNN, they're just trying to get you all worked up.