UPS opts out of Trump's tax deferral scheme


Huge Member
Bandaid on a gun shot wound.
The facts: As long as workers and employers pay payroll taxes, Social Security will not run out of money. It's a pay-as-you-go system: Revenue coming in from FICA (Federal Insurance Contributions Act) and SECA (Self-Employed Contributions Act) taxes largely cover the benefits going out.

Any more Trump lies you want me to debunk ???


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
The facts: As long as workers and employers pay payroll taxes, Social Security will not run out of money. It's a pay-as-you-go system: Revenue coming in from FICA (Federal Insurance Contributions Act) and SECA (Self-Employed Contributions Act) taxes largely cover the benefits going out.

Any more Trump lies you want me to debunk ???

I believe Drive’s bandaid comment was referring to the Central States fiasco.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
Trump has no power to waive it whatsoever. He's speaking out of his ass, just like usual. His followers need to start fact checking the things he says. It's absolutely hilarious some of the things he says that those people eat up like it's coming from the mouth of Christ. The man isn't fit for the job - both mentally and figuratively. He's so far in over his head it's embarrassing. I look forward to the investigations and arrests during the next administration as well as all the documentaries/etc that will come up over the next decade or two from the past 4 years.

On topic though, there's really zero reason you would want the taxes taken out other than personal greed. Our taxes pay for so many different things (roads, police, fire, EMS, etc) as well as countless programs across the country. Why would you want to take that away when you've been working through the whole pandemic? There's literally zero reason for UPS to go ahead with the differal as it would only come back to bite us in the ass next year.

So you just stated that you want to pay more taxes..

Then Biden’s your man..

You do know that Trump was using the same Social Security exemption for employees as Obama did back during the 2008 market crash. I believe that the employers still have to pay their portion of the SS taxes I could be wrong on that...
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Well-Known Member
So you just stated that you want to pay more taxes..

Then Biden’s your man..

You do know that Trump was using the same Social Security exemption for employees as Obama did back during the 2008 market crash. I believe that the employers still have to pay their portion of the SS taxes could be I could be wrong on that...

You do realize that I don't give a damn about paying taxes if they go towards programs that do good, such as helping people recover from addiction, healthcare for homeless/less fortunate people, etc? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that paying taxes helps other people out. Hell, we could have free healthcare, school, and many other things if people would pull their collective head out of their ass and get on with the program. When we talk about Socialism nowadays we're not talking about the 50s/60s Eastern Europe/Russia kind of things. We're talking about current day happenings in places like Norway, or Finland, or the greater EU.

Taxes are not a bad thing, they really aren't. What is a bad thing is when your President is standing up on a podium and is making fun of a handicap person, or committing multiple felonies throughout his tenure. If you think Trump handled the Covid-19 situation well then, well, I have some ocean front property to sell you in Midwest Kansas.


No, my name isnt mike
Say what you want about UPS but they are smart when it comes to being financially on point. Refuses to get into debt and would rather pay things in full now. I like it.


Well-Known Member
You do realize that I don't give a damn about paying taxes if they go towards programs that do good, such as helping people recover from addiction, healthcare for homeless/less fortunate people, etc? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that paying taxes helps other people out. Hell, we could have free healthcare, school, and many other things if people would pull their collective head out of their ass and get on with the program. When we talk about Socialism nowadays we're not talking about the 50s/60s Eastern Europe/Russia kind of things. We're talking about current day happenings in places like Norway, or Finland, or the greater EU.

Taxes are not a bad thing, they really aren't. What is a bad thing is when your President is standing up on a podium and is making fun of a handicap person, or committing multiple felonies throughout his tenure. If you think Trump handled the Covid-19 situation well then, well, I have some ocean front property to sell you in Midwest Kansas.
You do know you can pay more taxes than u do every year if you want? The last line when doing your taxes ask if u want to pay additional taxes. Do you pay more? If not, then shut the friend##k up about paying more taxes is a good thing

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
You do know you can pay more taxes than u do every year if you want? The last line when doing your taxes ask if u want to pay additional taxes. Do you pay more? If not, then shut the friend##k up about paying more taxes is a good thing
Pay more taxes so the Defense Dept can buy more $600 hammers and $400 toilet seats while giving millionaires a tax break.


Well-Known Member
You do know you can pay more taxes than u do every year if you want? The last line when doing your taxes ask if u want to pay additional taxes. Do you pay more? If not, then shut the friend##k up about paying more taxes is a good thing

I pay what I owe in taxes, as should every person and corporation. It's not about doing more than necessary, it's about paying your share. Churches should pay property taxes and other taxes as evident through their donations to politics and other government functions. Corporations that pay little/no tax should be held accountable. It's not about an individual person going above and beyond - it's 100% about people paying what they owe and not skirting around it like some ninny.

Paying more in taxes would mean you don't have to pay for health insurance or college. It would mean that your Grandma wouldn't have to not have that elective surgery because she can't afford it. Please educate yourself more rather than listening to Fox News and whatever verbal manure Trump slings out of his mouth. Until then, please feel free to start spouting off anything from your Facebook feed that your cousin Jethro misquotes.


Inordinately Right
Please educate yourself more rather than listening to Fox News and whatever verbal manure Trump slings out of his mouth. Until then, please feel free to start spouting off anything from your Facebook feed that your cousin Jethro misquotes.
tenor (2).gif


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
I pay what I owe in taxes, as should every person and corporation. It's not about doing more than necessary, it's about paying your share. Churches should pay property taxes and other taxes as evident through their donations to politics and other government functions. Corporations that pay little/no tax should be held accountable. It's not about an individual person going above and beyond - it's 100% about people paying what they owe and not skirting around it like some ninny.

Paying more in taxes would mean you don't have to pay for health insurance or college. It would mean that your Grandma wouldn't have to not have that elective surgery because she can't afford it. Please educate yourself more rather than listening to Fox News and whatever verbal manure Trump slings out of his mouth. Until then, please feel free to start spouting off anything from your Facebook feed that your cousin Jethro misquotes.

You do know what Trump is proposing and why...basically it is a political move to bypass the democratic controlled congress and Pelosi. The temporary 4 month break with the Social Security and Medicare tax is just an attempt to help the economy, in particular the every small business and their employees. For example: You gross 1,000 a week with this tax break you would clear a little over 6.5 %, that covers what you alone pay into those two programs roughly around $ 65 extra on your take home. Your employer pays the other 6.5%..The above article clearly states that UPS will not defer their part of the SS and Medicare tax..They are not hurting and can easily afford covering their own employees, with the Obama tax breaks your SS tax were reduced from 6.5% to 4.5% back in 2011 and 2012 to help us get over that 2008 crash. Trump is counting on the Congress to forgive the pay back provision that will occur at the beginning of 2011...It is a move that is designed to help struggling small businesses and lower income employees that is all it is...He is not going to end any of the Social Security or Medicare programs (fake news), most of his voter base are over 55...why would he suggest anything that would hurt his chances to get a second term...

You do know as a UPS bargaining unit employee that the company pays the Teamsters about 500 weekly to cover our Health and Welfare, it is part of our compensation in lieu of our hourly wage increases, that provides a lot of monetary protection from any rising medical premiums. Your support of governmental controlled universal coverage will eliminate or effect our own individual and family H/W coverages..that is a given if Biden and his crew of cradle to the grave welfare for all gets in...We pay for college now, again you are suggesting the College for All program that the Democrats want to put into place, with them deciding who will get the better benefits of that program, meaning they will be promoting Political Correct doctrine and will be more that willing to gut religious or private colleges that do not tote the line...We all know the beast...

So you want to tax Churches and their donations..Read the constitution (Separation of Church and State)..What is your opinion of the right to bear arms? ...Again we know the beast...


Well-Known Member
So you want to tax Churches and their donations..Read the constitution (Separation of Church and State)..What is your opinion of the right to bear arms? ...Again we know the beast...

I kinda skimmed the rest of what you wrote because I just woke up and to be quite frank about the whole thing, I'm done arguing with die-hard Republicans who back an idiot.

The 2nd Amendment is there for a reason. You can have all the guns in the world you want for all I care. Big ones, small ones, ones attached to cars, and even ones you can hide up your butt. As for the separation of Church & State, those lines were crossed forever ago. Churches have been used as a polling place in many locations, place signs out in front of their property with all sorts of people they want nominated (I counted 14 at the one I deliver near two days ago - all Republican), and I can keep on. The whole point of what I'm saying here is that churches have increasingly been overstepping their boundary so they should be held accountable for that. If they want to play in the political scene, great, they can pay their taxes. If they don't want to pay their taxes, then stfu. Pretty cut and dry.

Oh, and your fearless leader thinks that Americans who have died in war are losers and suckers. Way to get behind a real American.


Inordinately Right
I kinda skimmed the rest of what you wrote because I just woke up and to be quite frank about the whole thing, I'm done arguing with die-hard Republicans who back an idiot.

The 2nd Amendment is there for a reason. You can have all the guns in the world you want for all I care. Big ones, small ones, ones attached to cars, and even ones you can hide up your butt. As for the separation of Church & State, those lines were crossed forever ago. Churches have been used as a polling place in many locations, place signs out in front of their property with all sorts of people they want nominated (I counted 14 at the one I deliver near two days ago - all Republican), and I can keep on. The whole point of what I'm saying here is that churches have increasingly been overstepping their boundary so they should be held accountable for that. If they want to play in the political scene, great, they can pay their taxes. If they don't want to pay their taxes, then stfu. Pretty cut and dry.

Oh, and your fearless leader thinks that Americans who have died in war are losers and suckers. Way to get behind a real American.
Well the good news for you is Donald J Trump will only be your President for another four years. Hang in there buddy.


Well-Known Member
I pay what I owe in taxes, as should every person and corporation. It's not about doing more than necessary, it's about paying your share. Churches should pay property taxes and other taxes as evident through their donations to politics and other government functions. Corporations that pay little/no tax should be held accountable. It's not about an individual person going above and beyond - it's 100% about people paying what they owe and not skirting around it like some ninny.

Paying more in taxes would mean you don't have to pay for health insurance or college. It would mean that your Grandma wouldn't have to not have that elective surgery because she can't afford it. Please educate yourself more rather than listening to Fox News and whatever verbal manure Trump slings out of his mouth. Until then, please feel free to start spouting off anything from your Facebook feed that your cousin Jethro misquotes.
You do know what Trump is proposing and why...basically it is a political move to bypass the democratic controlled congress and Pelosi. The temporary 4 month break with the Social Security and Medicare tax is just an attempt to help the economy, in particular the every small business and their employees. For example: You gross 1,000 a week with this tax break you would clear a little over 6.5 %, that covers what you alone pay into those two programs roughly around $ 65 extra on your take home. Your employer pays the other 6.5%..The above article clearly states that UPS will not defer their part of the SS and Medicare tax..They are not hurting and can easily afford covering their own employees, with the Obama tax breaks your SS tax were reduced from 6.5% to 4.5% back in 2011 and 2012 to help us get over that 2008 crash. Trump is counting on the Congress to forgive the pay back provision that will occur at the beginning of 2011...It is a move that is designed to help struggling small businesses and lower income employees that is all it is...He is not going to end any of the Social Security or Medicare programs (fake news), most of his voter base are over 55...why would he suggest anything that would hurt his chances to get a second term...

You do know as a UPS bargaining unit employee that the company pays the Teamsters about 500 weekly to cover our Health and Welfare, it is part of our compensation in lieu of our hourly wage increases, that provides a lot of monetary protection from any rising medical premiums. Your support of governmental controlled universal coverage will eliminate or effect our own individual and family H/W coverages..that is a given if Biden and his crew of cradle to the grave welfare for all gets in...We pay for college now, again you are suggesting the College for All program that the Democrats want to put into place, with them deciding who will get the better benefits of that program, meaning they will be promoting Political Correct doctrine and will be more that willing to gut religious or private colleges that do not tote the line...We all know the beast...

So you want to tax Churches and their donations..Read the constitution (Separation of Church and State)..What is your opinion of the right to bear arms? ...Again we know the beast...
I stupid can one be? Do you know what happens when you corporations pay more tax? They cut jobs. Do you know what happens when jobs get cut? The economy goes In the crapper. You telling me to educate my self is hilarious. You love socialism so much why don’t you move to a country that has it. Paying fair share of taxes? You do know the top 1% pay 40 percent of all taxes. Do you really want the government to control your healthcare? By the way, I pay zero for healthcare now. Go educate yourself on socialism, or let’s call it what it really is, communism. I’m not sure if you are serious or don’t have an IQ above 70. You said by paying more taxes you wouldn’t have to pay for college or that again.This is dumbest comment you said so far. You never answered my question. Do you voluntarily pay additional taxes?
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Package Car is cake compared to this...
I stupid can one be? Do you know what happens when you corporations pay more tax? They cut jobs. Do you know what happens when jobs get cut? The economy goes In the crapper. You telling me to educate my self is hilarious. You love socialism so much why don’t you move to a country that has it. Paying fair share of taxes? You do know the top 1% pay 40 percent of all taxes. Do you really want the government to control your healthcare? By the way, I pay zero for healthcare now. Go educate yourself on socialism, or let’s call it what it really is, communism. I’m not sure if you are serious or don’t have an IQ above 70. You said by paying more taxes you wouldn’t have to pay for college or that again.This is dumbest comment you said so far. You never answered my question. Do you voluntarily pay additional taxes?


Lowes. As soon as they got their tax cut, they bought back a boat load of stock. Recently, they fired many of their long time workers. But it wasn’t all bad news for those workers. No, they weren’t offered severance packages; no, they were encouraged to re-apply for their old jobs. At half their old pay.

This is not an isolated case.

Keep drinking the kool-aid, Chief.


Well-Known Member
Trump has no power to waive it whatsoever. He's speaking out of his ass, just like usual. His followers need to start fact checking the things he says. It's absolutely hilarious some of the things he says that those people eat up like it's coming from the mouth of Christ. The man isn't fit for the job - both mentally and figuratively. He's so far in over his head it's embarrassing. I look forward to the investigations and arrests during the next administration as well as all the documentaries/etc that will come up over the next decade or two from the past 4 years.

On topic though, there's really zero reason you would want the taxes taken out other than personal greed. Our taxes pay for so many different things (roads, police, fire, EMS, etc) as well as countless programs across the country. Why would you want to take that away when you've been working through the whole pandemic? There's literally zero reason for UPS to go ahead with the differal as it would only come back to bite us in the ass next year.
Our taxes barely pay for any of that stuff.

Check the federal budget, schools roads police and fire are less than 5% of the budget.


Over 60% of our tax dollars go to entitlement programs, like SS, medicare, food stamps and welfare. None of which actually help people.

And i agree the president doesnt have the authority to do that, the same as governors don’t have the authority to use a garden variety cold as an excuse to shut down its political oppositions businesses.