UPS part time plan vs Teamcare


Well-Known Member
That's all well and good----what I don't see is how long UPS will subsidize new CSHW employees---is it just for the first year, for the first two years or for the full five years?


Well-Known Member
Thank you it is greatly appreciated!

No problem.

What is amazing to me is that the members currently in the CS are not as upset as those of us going into it. Those of us going into it will be getting better insurance then those who are in it. You would think those in the CS plans would be very upset over this.


Well-Known Member
The only things enhanced are

Copay 10 was 20
Deductible increases to 200/400 over 4 years
Mail order drugs 100% was 80%


Well-Known Member
That's all well and good----what I don't see is how long UPS will subsidize new CSHW employees---is it just for the first year, for the first two years or for the full five years?

"Thats all well and good"??? Please, for the love of Pete. Don't do your typical shuffle. Just admit that you were supplying wrong information. Making statements that were false. Just admit it. It won't kill you.

You would rather change your stance to evade the fact that you were wrong. You were quick in your attempt to tell me I was wrong. I have stood my ground, supplied you with the information to substantiate my argument and now you are changing your stance. One good thing about a discussion in a forum, the words written can't be changed.


Well-Known Member
I can not speak for all locals. However, from the information provided at the Q & A today, both part and full time employees will apparently see a reduction in benefits with most coverages including dental and vision. Part-timers will apparently take the biggest hit though.

Naturally, this is based upon the assumption our current medical providers will accept the new insurance - whatever that turns out to be.


Family Leave Fridays!!!
The benefits listed in the Teamcare column are MY understanding of the current C6 plan document with the enhanced benefits given by the union and included in the memorandum of understanding in the TA page 43.

I'll still reserving judgement until the TEAMCARE pamphlet arrives.

For example:
You mention that TEAMCARE waives E.R. visit fees only for accident/injury, but TEAMCARE mentions that UPS waives E.R. visit fees for accidents. Based on the verbiage, I believe "accident" is a broad term that refers to any medical emergency -- e.g. origins of a heart attack, etc. -- and not necessarily a traditional accident resulting in an injury.

TEAMCARE also mentions that dental, short term disability & life insurance benefits will remain unchanged, with UPS paying the difference. Does this mean, for example, that the maximum annual dental benefit will not apply?

​And BTW -- adoption assistance is not insurance and will almost undoubtedly remain.


Pineapple King
No problem.

What is amazing to me is that the members currently in the CS are not as upset as those of us going into it. Those of us going into it will be getting better insurance then those who are in it. You would think those in the CS plans would be very upset over this.
I think we have been getting hosed for so long we just accept it. You'd be surprised to know that most people I talk to here think we "ALL" have the same insurance when we don't.


Well-Known Member
When do we officially switch to the different plan? I need to get some dental work done, and maybe a full workup of xrays and checkups before our healthcare benefits go to crap!

Never thought Id see the day our union sold us out this much. Even though we have the right to vote on it, it is just an insult for them to even reach a tentative agreement on such concessions, and then...... encourage all of us to vote yes! If I was in a RTW state I would consider opting out of the union

Ok it is really time for you people to get your little heads out of your big butts. Teamsters supported Omamacare it gives UPS a big out. So now teamsters are now going to have to pay it or pass it on. Teamsters came out in Jan of this and pretty much came out saying they had a mistake and is now aksing Obama for subs, which guess is not going to happen. So do you really think after 2018 teamsters and UPS will be giving health. I bet you one thing we will be sold into the goverment exchanges. You think it is bad now just wait, boy it is going to hurt all us.


Well-Known Member
I'll still reserving judgement until the TEAMCARE pamphlet arrives.

For example:
You mention that TEAMCARE waives E.R. visit fees only for accident/injury, but TEAMCARE mentions that UPS waives E.R. visit fees for accidents. Based on the verbiage, I believe "accident" is a broad term that refers to any medical emergency -- e.g. origins of a heart attack, etc. -- and not necessarily a traditional accident resulting in an injury.

TEAMCARE also mentions that dental, short term disability & life insurance benefits will remain unchanged, with UPS paying the difference. Does this mean, for example, that the maximum annual dental benefit will not apply?

​And BTW -- adoption assistance is not insurance and will almost undoubtedly remain.

I do not believe there will be a new SPD. The TA establishes the base benefits as the C6 plan and it is available now.

The following is copied and pasted from Teamcare and CS (including bold text)

How is an emergency room visit paid under my plan?
Emergency room visits are covered once deductible had been met under the Major Medical Benefit. However, some plans may have an Outpatient Accidental Injury Benefit. See your Benefit Profile (Forms and Documents or Your Participant Dashboard) for specific plan details.

What does this benefit cover ?
The Outpatient Accidental Bodily Injury Expense Benefit covers treatment you receive in an emergency room or a doctor's office due to an accidental injury

What is not covered by this benefit?
Charges for the emergency treatment of an illness, such as a sore throat, a high fever or the flu.

Are emergency room visits covered at 100%?
Emergency room visits under Plans C6 or C4, are payable at 100% on the 1st day treatment for an accident or injury after the Plan deductible has been met. If you go to the emergency room for an illness (e.g. fever, chest pains, etc.), the visit is covered under the Major Medical Benefit and payable at 80% once the Plan deductible has been met.

The UPS plan pays 100% / 25 copay.

The Current C6 plan does not have a dental annual max for children. If adult charges exceed 1500 I would expect those charges to be submitted to UPS for reimbursement.

Adoption assistance is part of the UPS health plan for part time employees. Whether it is insurance or not, it is part of a plan that will no longer exist come Jan 1st.

I hope you are correct and a new book arrives that includes improvements to the C6.


Well-Known Member
The UPS part time plan also included strong out of network benefits.
250/500 Deductible
3000 out of pocket max per person
80/20 coverage

Same Sex domestic partners and dependents were eligible under UPS plan.


Family Leave Fridays!!!
I think you're making some faux assumptions. What you posted reiterated my belief that emergency room visits will still be covered at 100% -- but now just within 24 hours (the veribage mentions 'current coverage: waived within 72 hours of accident.') It appears accident is just a broad term. If you're having warning signs of a heart attack, it's still going to be covered in full. What's not being covered is non-emergency visits to the emergency room ... "sore throat, high fever or the flu" can be treated at urgent care, or the following day at your doctor's, for several hundred dollars less than at the ER, hence what the plan is attempting to discourage.

I personally know numerous people who utilize the ER because, for example, their 4-year-old son has a cold. These visits run up the cost of health care, and are what most insurances are attempting to do away with. My parent's Medicare Advantage plan covers ER visits in full ... but when you use the ER for non-ER reasons, you're stuck with the bill up to $250, then pay 50% of the rest. It's not an uncommon practice, the $25 benefit we had was overly generous and often abused.

I do not believe there will be a new SPD. The TA establishes the base benefits as the C6 plan and it is available now.

The following is copied and pasted from Teamcare and CS (including bold text)

How is an emergency room visit paid under my plan?
Emergency room visits are covered once deductible had been met under the Major Medical Benefit. However, some plans may have an Outpatient Accidental Injury Benefit. See your Benefit Profile (Forms and Documents or Your Participant Dashboard) for specific plan details.

What does this benefit cover ?
The Outpatient Accidental Bodily Injury Expense Benefit covers treatment you receive in an emergency room or a doctor's office due to an accidental injury
What is not covered by this benefit?
Charges for the emergency treatment of an illness, such as a sore throat, a high fever or the flu.

QAre emergency room visits covered at 100%?
AEmergency room visits under Plans C6 or C4, are payable at 100% on the 1st day treatment for an accident or injury after the Plan deductible has been met. If you go to the emergency room for an illness (e.g. fever, chest pains, etc.), the visit is covered under the Major Medical Benefit and payable at 80% once the Plan deductible has been met.

The UPS plan pays 100% / 25 copay.

The Current C6 plan does not have a dental annual max for children. If adult charges exceed 1500 I would expect those charges to be submitted to UPS for reimbursement.

Adoption assistance is part of the UPS health plan for part time employees. Whether it is insurance or not, it is part of a plan that will no longer exist come Jan 1st.

I hope you are correct and a new book arrives that includes improvements to the C6.


Family Leave Fridays!!!
The UPS part time plan also included strong out of network benefits.
250/500 Deductible
3000 out of pocket max per person
80/20 coverage

Same Sex domestic partners and dependents were eligible under UPS plan.

As I've written before, this was just a transitional phase to get PTers - in 2007 - to accept the PPO vs. the previous traditional plan we had. I doubt UPS ever had any intention of keeping out-of-network benefits generous/parallel to the previous traditional plan we had. Our benefits by far & away blew away what was offered to even managerial employees. UPS simply wasn't willing to keep benefits the same as they had been, and I think it's naive for us to believe like we had that option. Remember, in addition to paying a co-premium, we were also being faced with diluted benefits much more costly than what the Temasters came up with.


Well-Known Member
I think you're making some faux assumptions. What you posted reiterated my belief that emergency room visits will still be covered at 100% -- but now just within 24 hours (the veribage mentions 'current coverage: waived within 72 hours of accident.') It appears accident is just a broad term. If you're having warning signs of a heart attack, it's still going to be covered in full. What's not being covered is non-emergency visits to the emergency room ... "sore throat, high fever or the flu" can be treated at urgent care, or the following day at your doctor's, for several hundred dollars less than at the ER, hence what the plan is attempting to discourage.

I personally know numerous people who utilize the ER because, for example, their 4-year-old son has a cold. These visits run up the cost of health care, and are what most insurances are attempting to do away with. My parent's Medicare Advantage plan covers ER visits in full ... but when you use the ER for non-ER reasons, you're stuck with the bill up to $250, then pay 50% of the rest. It's not an uncommon practice, the $25 benefit we had was overly generous and often abused.

The CS FAQ states that if you go to the ER with chest pains it is covered at 80% how do you get that a heart attack will be covered in full out of that?


Family Leave Fridays!!!
The CS FAQ states that if you go to the ER with chest pains it is covered at 80% how do you get that a heart attack will be covered in full out of that?

We'll have to wait for full clarification. I'm certain the full benefit guide will arrive any day now...even if it's a link to a PDF file.


Well-Known Member
We'll have to wait for full clarification. I'm certain the full benefit guide will arrive any day now...even if it's a link to a PDF file.
I hope you're right. But, my gut feeling is the benefit guide and pertinent info will come out AFTER the ballots have been cast.


New Member
I was told by our Principal officer that our insurance is going to be equal to what we have currently if we switch over to CS. I didn't see any language in the contract or anywhere else that it is going to be equal and if it is how long it will stay that way. I personally don't want to see a change in our health care.


Well-Known Member
it suck if your under a union plan it better then they are offering but if your on the company plan right now then your gonna be down graded and you will lose coverage I am not saying your gonna pay for benefits. I am saying your gonna be paying a lot of co-pays and less coverage also dental and vision your gonna take a hit in the pocket book so VOTE NO


Well-Known Member
it suck if your under a union plan it better then they are offering but if your on the company plan right now then your gonna be down graded and you will lose coverage I am not saying your gonna pay for benefits. I am saying your gonna be paying a lot of co-pays and less coverage also dental and vision your gonna take a hit in the pocket book so VOTE NO

Why is it so difficult for some of you guys to comprehend the term "participating provider"?


Well-Known Member
Why is it so difficult for some of you guys to comprehend the term "participating provider"?
Well if you see the TA it shows that even if you use a participating provider that the coverage is less that the current benefits. Right now I can go to my participating provider and I pay my $5 and it is 100% coverage the language as you can see you will pay $10 and you will be covered up to 80% so where is that 20% coming from I don't think UPS is going to pay it like I said there goes your raise