I'd say that I average around 4-4.5 per day at my hub.
I do not get it, in the year I have worked preload, I never worked less than 4.5 hours and worked a ton of shifts over 5 hours
You are a lucky person!
I'd say that I average around 4-4.5 per day at my hub.
This PT'ers.....this^^^We have a contract with the company make them follow it. They can't make changes to it just because they feel like it......
Another thing that I've noticed (in my hub) is that new hires aren't put straight into the un-load anymore. They're started on the belt loading package cars.
With all due respect this was never proposed. You have nothing to worry about. SeriouslyFor the third consecutive week, my Preload's start times have been pushed back 30-minutes later than ever before, with plenty of new faces being added to pick up the slack (for example, in the input we've added two additional sorter/SPA/unload teams -- that's up four from last year -- as well as one additional irreg driver). I didn't put too much thought into it, assuming it was being done to train seasonal hires, but this morning our business agent showed up to address our sort during break. He said the company's attempting to lower the guarantee to 3 hours and has been arguing that most of us don't want to work 3.5, and it's becoming too much of an unnecessary costly burden to find work for those that do. He told us that if we wanted 3.5, we needed to speak up and work 3.5, otherwise this would transition toward a permanent thing.
Is this happening elsewhere? Has the company proposed this (he did NOT say propose - but rather attempted).
It's time for the collective P/T workforce to get involved.
UPS and the Teamsters know that's not going to happen.
At least 80% of the part-timers don't care that much.
That's too bad.
They also do that to keep the "not as sharp" people from making seniority and having an unload force that can't do anything else.
speaking of hours..apparently there is no more double shifting from twi->preload anymore. Just my luck that it would end the 2nd week i started doing it. rumor has it they are just gonna hire a bunch of people for the preload and send anyone from twi coming in home. bummer.
Yep I was going to go Friday morning. Found out that I can't. What area are you working?speaking of hours..apparently there is no more double shifting from twi->preload anymore. Just my luck that it would end the 2nd week i started doing it. rumor has it they are just gonna hire a bunch of people for the preload and send anyone from twi coming in home. bummer.