What? A great platform for the 1980's? What is wrong with you? That "arguement" is a good platform for any decade and you totally missed the point and I'll make it again.....anal sex, even with a condom, is more likely to spread AIDS/HIV and other diseases than vaginal sex. And what group of people are primarily having anal sex? Gay men. Yes, anal sex is not uncommon among the rest of the couples but it's primarily a staple of gay male partners.
Homophobia is defined as "the fear, anxiety, anger, discomfort and aversion that some ostensibly heterosexual people hold for gay individuals -- is the result of repressed homosexual urges that the person is either unaware of or denies."
A study conducted at the University of Georgia found that men scoring high on a measure of homophobia also expereinced erections, at levels greater than chance, in response to homosexual pornography.
What do you think?
You call me religious, yet you refer to nature as some divine being making decisions about the population status of our species. I am not attempting to hypothesize what nature may or may not be intending for our future. I am simply stating how we were originally designed to behave. Given our level of conciousness we don't always behave the way nature intended. Mothers have been known to kill their own children. People take their own lives through suicide, or they simply choose to be gay. Either way its not how we were designed to be.
Your paranoia of christianity is blinding you from comprehending my point. Being normal, as I am defining, has nothing to do with how a couple interacts. Its based merely on the fact that a long-term, loving, and sexual relationship involves one man, and one woman. That is a normal relationship, and irregardless of whether those conditions exist between two men or two women doesn't make them normal because the sexes do not match up. This isn't rocket science, just very basic biology.
Expecting the same treatment as a heterosexual couple, or considering yourself discriminated because you aren't allowed marriage is asinine. You choose to be in your current relationship, and society has no responsibility to change its definitions of marriage and normal relationships to fit you. You made your bed, now sleep in it.
Defining something as "normal" insinuates that nothing else is. Bestiality and pedophilia are not normal and are both classified as mental disorders. It gets tiring when this argument is consistently tossed around. Both do not include consent and it's rape.
What is normal to you is based on convention and an overly rigid belief system. People who fall outside this belief system do experience real forms of discrimination. Hate crimes are prevalent. Gay men and lesbians are still banned from serving openly in the US military service. Child custody decisions still frequently view gay and lesbian people as unfit parents. Gay and lesbian adolescents are often taunted and humiliated in their school settings. Many professional persons and employees in all occupations are still fearful of identifying as gay or lesbians in their work settings. Gay relationships are not widely recognized in any legal way.
The truth of the matter is, just like the Black civil rights movement, the gays will get their rights, too. And, just like the governor of Alabama did, many will stand at the front door of the school, blocking the entrance and screaming obscenities. But it will all be in vein and years down the road, generations will view you, as we now view George Wallace, as an old, tired, bigoted, cranky, ignorant, carcass of a man.
Sorry, for the extremity of this post, but I didn't get my coffee and abs class was canceled last night.
It's very interesting to me that this comment has gone completely ignored, even by browncafe's most outspoken homophobes....
I'm still interested in a response to help justify why some people are so scared of gay people?
I will clarify:
The truth of the matter is, just like the Black civil rights movement,
Or any other group who struggled to gain civil rights protection (i.e. women, racial minorities, persons with disabilities, religious minorities). Brett, you're right, the stigma of skin color is much different from the stigma of sexual identity. But the hateful feelings are the exact same.
the gays will get their rights, too.
Watch and learn how the LGBT community increasingly gains protection under state and federal law (hrc.com).
And, just like the governor of Alabama did, many will stand at the front door of the school, blocking the entrance and screaming obscenities. ..
I notice, as history continues to repeat itself, that those in power make the biggest scene. They yell out things like "sexuality is a choice" "what next, beastiality?" "So pedophiles should be allowed to marry children" "God created Adam and Eve" "AIDS is the Gay Plague" "they just want special rights" and on, and on
But it will all be in vein and years down the road, generations will view you, as we now view George Wallace, as an old, tired, bigoted, cranky, ignorant, carcass of a man.
Yes, as when I was a child and watched video clips from the civil rights era - with all the screaming and violence from the many Whites who opposed the integration and fair treatment of Blacks - I thought, damn, why are those people so crazed? I couldn't, and still can't understand, what's wrong with Black people? I think, children in the future might come across this old retired blog in the archives and think ..."why are those people so crazed?"
If this is how you try to shutup your critics its plainly obvious you have no real grounds to base your arguements on other than emotion and hearsay.
The reference is to an empirical study. That means people were chosen randomly to participate in the study; data were collected in a lab, analyzed, and the results were submitted to a scientific journal. Next the journal editors reviewed the theory, methods and data analysis, and determined the study to be authentic and a contribution to the scientific literature. The study was published in peer reviewed journal and I referenced it on this message board, to which no one responded, with the exception of you. The emotion and hearsay is all yours.
You may as well compare cats to dogs, or apples to oranges. The fact remains that black people are born with dark skin. Gay and lesbian people are not born gay like they claim. They make a choice to have sexual relations with people of the same sex then cry because the rest of society treats them differently.
I don't think Brett is homophobic. Homophobes are people who are afraid of homosexuals. Brett is ignorant of their identity and culture, but I don't think he's really threatened by it.I'm certain a study based on "homophobia" is completely legitimate and not biased in any way whatsoever. My point is that you are attacking the attackers, and not supporting your own viewpoints. Society has no responsbility to change its definitions towards anything because you make a choice to be one way or another.
...just like how poor people choose to be homeless, right?
brett, you're losing a lot of cred on this forum.
I think you would be surprised just how many homeless people choose to be homeless. With the exception of the hardluck situation, most homeless people are that way because they chose to use drugs or abuse alcohol, or they just can't handle the pressures of a normal life. Mental illiness does play a factor as well, but I suspect some of that is brought on by illicit drug use.
i used to deliver to a few gays on my old route.if i didn't no there first name i would say maam or sir.just like anyone else.i can still like the person.not the life style:
How certain posters on this site can defend these kind of people revolts amazes me.
They should be ashamed.
A man/man or woman/woman relationship can't do that as its not
how nature intended.
You could make the argument that
nature now intends for there to be fewer reproductions of the human species.
You call me religious, yet you refer to nature as some divine being making decisions about the population status of our species.
I am not attempting to hypothesize what nature may or may not be intending for our future. .
I am simply stating how we were originally designed to behave. Given our level of conciousness we don't always behave the way nature intended. Mothers have been known to kill their own children. People take their own lives through suicide, or they simply choose to be gay. Either way its not how we were designed to be. .
Your paranoia of christianity is blinding you from comprehending my point. Being normal, as I am defining, has nothing to do with how a couple interacts. Its based merely on the fact that a long-term, loving, and sexual relationship involves one man, and one woman. That is a normal relationship, and irregardless of whether those conditions exist between two men or two women doesn't make them normal because the sexes do not match up. This isn't rocket science, just very basic biology.
Expecting the same treatment as a heterosexual couple, or considering yourself discriminated because you aren't allowed marriage is asinine. You choose to be in your current relationship, and society has no responsibility to change its definitions of marriage and normal relationships to fit you. You made your bed, now sleep in it.