UPS provides benefits to Civil Union Partners


Well-Known Member
I think you would be surprised just how many homeless people choose to be homeless. With the exception of the hardluck situation, most homeless people are that way because they chose to use drugs or abuse alcohol, or they just can't handle the pressures of a normal life. Mental illiness does play a factor as well, but I suspect some of that is brought on by illicit drug use.

brett, you are so right about this point. I have worked Soup Kitchens feeding homeless people. And my wife helps cook for them once a week. Most of them prefer to be that way. All that factors you mentioned are true; alcohol, drugs, and mental illness. We would usually have five hundred people line up for soup, four sandwiches, and a glass of tea at the particular shelter I have worked. All these faith-based charities offer help to these people to get them shelter and jobs, but most of them won't take advantage of it.:sad:

Uh...I guess it is a choice. I mean, I would probably choose homelessness over abuse or if I were in fact struggling with a mental illness. But I think we need to reconsider the factors involved in homelessness and the demographics of this population in the United States.

Total Number
  • As many as 3.5 million people experience homelessness in a given year (1% of the entire U.S. population or 10% of its poor), and about 842,000 people in any given week.[10]
Familial composition[11]
  • 40% are families with children—the fastest growing segment.
  • 41% are single males.
  • 14% are single females.
  • 5% are minors unaccompanied by adults.
1.37 million (or 39%) of the total homeless population are children under the age of 18.[12]
Health-concerns[14] Backgrounds[15]
  • 23% are veterans (compared to 13% of general population).
  • 25% were physically or sexually abused as children.
  • 27% were in foster care or similar institutions as children.
  • 21% were homeless at some point during their childhood.
  • 54% were incarcerated at some point in their lives.
  • 38% have less than a High School diploma.
  • 34% have a High School diploma or equivalent (G.E.D.).
  • 28% have more than a High School education.
  • 44% report having worked in the past week.
  • 13% have regular jobs.
  • 50% receive less than $300 per month as income.
  • 80% of those who experience homelessness do so for less than 3 weeks. They typically have more personal, social, or economic resources to draw upon.
  • 10% are homeless for up to two months. They cite lack of available or affordable housing as responsible for the delay.
  • 10% are so called “chronic” and remain without housing for extended periods of time on a frequent basis. They typically struggle with mental illness, substance abuse, or both.
These statistics are from various sources such as the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and the National Coalition for the Homeless.

There apparently are individuals that choose to be homeless but are only a small portion of the entire population. These are probably the ones that you typically see at the shelters and soup lines because they know first where to find these locations, when to show up, and are pretty much living off these charities. These individuals are the exception not the rule.

What is really sad is that individuals with foster care backgrounds experienced rates of homelessness nearly 8 times higher than the non-foster care population.

There is more information at wikipedia: (Information specific to the U.S.) (More generalized not just specific to the U.S.)



Well-Known Member
I have been trying to stay out of responding to this thread, but that article, AND this line:

"the San Diego City Council unanimously adopted a resolution introduced by Mayor Jerry Sanders to designate July as "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Pride Month."

are simply disgusting. Repulsive. How certain posters on this site can defend these kind of people [-]revolts[/-] amazes me.

They should be ashamed.

I am not ashamed because all gays are not like those in that article. All heterosexuals are not good people either. People are people and they do some really wrong things at times. I just don't think that male/ male or female/ female sex is wrong. That does not mean I think they are above the law or can do whatever they want.


Well-Known Member
I purposely used your words to make a point. You first stated "nature intended" so I was really just following your lead.

Your reading comprehension abilities need to be tweaked. When I say "nature intended" I pointing towards what we know to be true. That is one man, and one woman are required to create a true family relationship. We signify this through the creation of the traditional marriage which includes one man, and one woman.

Except that is exactly what you are doing by stating we were "designed" to reproduce. You are, in fact, hypothesizing about what nature intended humans to and what nature intends for humans to continue to do.

There is no hypothesis required, we already know one man and one woman are required to reproduce. Has this never been explained to you?

I am not going to argue with you about whether being gay is a choice or not. I can see that enough people have already tired and you are clearly not going to agree. However, I do feel that it is extreme to compare homosexuality to suicide and murder. Do you hunt? I hope not, I would hate to be debating with a murder. Do you spank your children? I hope not, I would hate to be debating with an abuser. Do you ever eat too much? I hope not, I would hate to be debating with someone who is picking a slow and painful type of suicide.

Of course you will not argue that you made a choice to be gay. Although I would hardly define this as a debate. I am stating facts, you are stating emotional conjecture.

First, I had a good laugh about my paranoia of Christianity. I am a Christian and a heterosexual. I talk with my mother for hours about God and what he is REALLY like and what he REALLY would like from me. The thing is, there was a time in my life when I only saw God as a "fire and brimstone" kind of god. The thing is, I was miserable. I eventually figured out that God loves me no matter what and he wants me to love others no matter what. Sure, I think there will be a judgment at the end of it all. That is exactly why I try very hard not to sit around judging others and certainly not treating them any worse than I would want to be treated. I have a feeling you are never going to help anyone you feel is "sinning" change by treating them as second class citizens. Are you going to be the first to throw a stone? The reason I argue that people should quit using Christianity as a platform for their callous judgments is because I don't think it is doing anything to help others see the true God that loves them. Where is the love? God is love first and foremost. So I ask again, where is the love?
I don't think it is ridiculous for a human to want to be treated as human. What society? I am part of the U.S. society and I do not define "normal" relationship the way you do. It is the responsibility of society to change all kinds of definitions and opinions as society changes. Women now have jobs and make their own money. There was a time that this was not the definition of a good woman. I work and will be working for the next 20-30 years. Am I not a good woman?

Your first comments towards me were attempts at labeling me as a hateful christian which I am not. You attempted several times after that to compare my arguments as the same that would come from a christian. I have not referred to the bible once nor have I stated God doesn't like this or that. I just refer to the very basic facts of life.

While it is true you are part of the U.S. society keep in mind the society is not just you. Society includes everyone from all walks of life. The vast majority of them are heterosexual and define marriage as the joining of two people of the opposite sex. When you choose to be in a relationship with someone of the same sex do not expect everyone else to change their definition of marriage due to your choice in relationships. You are the minority.


Industrial Slob
I think you would be surprised just how many homeless people choose to be homeless. With the exception of the hardluck situation, most homeless people are that way because they chose to use drugs or abuse alcohol, or they just can't handle the pressures of a normal life. Mental illiness does play a factor as well, but I suspect some of that is brought on by illicit drug use.
so those who are marginalized in society, discriminated against due to their skin color and mental condition, those are the 'hardluck' people, right?

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
so those who are marginalized in society, discriminated against due to their skin color and mental condition, those are the 'hardluck' people, right?

Here lately I'd say the average Joe is the hardluck people now a days. We are the ones that are being let unmoral and non traditional ideas be shoved down our throats under the guise of "tolerance." As a result traditional American values and traditions are slowly but surely being withered away. It's like that first strand that is pulled from an old sweater that seems to pull the rest of the frabic with it until the sweater is not a sweater anymore and only a ball of cotton.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
That excuse for intolerance is worn out. Get a new one.

Read Over9Fives's signature. You could learn much through it's meaning. Some of you people wrongfully over use the word tolerance. It's just another way to get the masses to submit to the minority whether it goes against their morals or not. Pretty soon we we'll all be expected to "tolerate" child rapists and let them mingle in public instead of throwing them in jail. Oh wait....that is already happening. Tolerance? What a joke.


Well-Known Member
Your reading comprehension abilities need to be tweaked. When I say "nature intended" I pointing towards what we know to be true. That is one man, and one woman are required to create a true family relationship. We signify this through the creation of the traditional marriage which includes one man, and one woman.

There is no hypothesis required, we already know one man and one woman are required to reproduce. Has this never been explained to you?

Of course you will not argue that you made a choice to be gay. Although I would hardly define this as a debate. I am stating facts, you are stating emotional conjecture.

My reading comprehension needs to be tweaked? I said I was a heterosexual. That should be comprehended as NOT gay. I am not denying that it takes an egg and sperm to create a child. However, I hardly think this is a basis for what should define a relationship. You are stating that uncategorically the biological processes should define human lifestyles. This is not biology, the "basic facts of life", but instead a philosophical interpretation of biology. I disagree with your interpretation. I do not believe that the human design for reproduction is the basis for each individual choice. I thought that the human ability to think rationally was one of the reasons we are superior to other earthly life forms.

Your first comments towards me were attempts at labeling me as a hateful christian which I am not. You attempted several times after that to compare my arguments as the same that would come from a christian. I have not referred to the bible once nor have I stated God doesn't like this or that. I just refer to the very basic facts of life.

So, you are telling me that biologists would agree the traditional marriage is the only choice humans should make and it has nothing to do with a belief system? There is scientific proof that heterosexuality is the only choice that is beneficial to society?

While it is true you are part of the U.S. society keep in mind the society is not just you. Society includes everyone from all walks of life. The vast majority of them are heterosexual and define marriage as the joining of two people of the opposite sex. When you choose to be in a relationship with someone of the same sex do not expect everyone else to change their definition of marriage due to your choice in relationships. You are the minority.

So, as a minority, I should not expect others to be open-minded about their beliefs. I should not expect others or I might be wrong about the belief systems we have. That I should not try to get to the truth of the matter and expect others and myself to change our beliefs and definitions to more accurately reflect the truth or at least the best possibility. Just because I am a minority? Would you have said the same thing to Dr. Martin Luther King?

This is the last post I want to make on this subject. It has been interesting having this debate. I am grateful I live in a country where it is acceptable to have differing opinions. Thank you for the dialogue, Brett. I do understand where you are coming from, I just don't agree. So, let's just agree to disagree, if you will.


Well-Known Member
We have the right to espouse our Judeo-Christian beliefs and the Author of life Himself calls it an abomination in Leviticus 18:22, and Paul was stead fast in upholding that truth. A mans anus is supposed to be exit only, as is mine!

We are to love the sinner not the sin, and we are all sinners imho, but abomination is strong language He used. I have friends that are homosexual, and I am not afraid of them, but I totally disagree with their lifestyle as is my right, but I do try to treat them as I would treat anybody else, or as I would want to be treated.

People can choose that lifestyle all they want, but that doesn't mean we have to like it or support what we of faith believe is an abomination.

As far as benefits, that is a tough issue, but you know the problem going in (no pun intended)


Staff member
I have friends that are homosexual, and I am not afraid of them, but I totally disagree with their lifestyle as is my right, but I do try to treat them as I would treat anybody else, or as I would want to be treated.

I think that pretty much covers it.


Heavy Weight
The problem today is that the gays... ...are slowly but surely shoving their lifestyle down the rest our throats.
We are the ones that are being let unmoral and non traditional ideas be shoved down our throats under the guise of "tolerance."
What's up with all the erotic fantasies? Either there has been too much a gay porn watching or folks have been drinking gallons of soy milk. :thumbup1: Oh...Ellen

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
The problem today is that the gays... ...are slowly but surely shoving their lifestyle down the rest our throats.
We are the ones that are being let unmoral and non traditional ideas be shoved down our throats under the guise of "tolerance."
What's up with all the erotic fantasies? Either there has been too much a gay porn watching or folks have been drinking gallons of soy milk. :thumbup1: Oh...Ellen

No we have had too much of your gay agenda shoved in our faces. And I just don't mean here. I mean nation wide. EVERY WHERE! Enough is enough! Or maybe we should just counter with hetero parades and have couples go at it like your gay buddies do in their parades, (or like in one of your porns that you mentioned), as they pass people by and see what happens. Yeah'd be suing so fast they would probably not even be able to complete the parade. It's amazing how much hypocricy there is in this country. Too many double standards.


Well-Known Member
When I said "I try to treat them as anybody else" I didn't mean I think they should receive benefits as we hetro's do, and that we should acknowledge that it is ok, and as mentioned by others, the freud thing too.


Industrial Slob
Here lately I'd say the average Joe is the hardluck people now a days. We are the ones that are being let unmoral and non traditional ideas be shoved down our throats under the guise of "tolerance." As a result traditional American values and traditions are slowly but surely being withered away. It's like that first strand that is pulled from an old sweater that seems to pull the rest of the frabic with it until the sweater is not a sweater anymore and only a ball of cotton.
what the hell are 'traditional American values'? i guess the 'give us the worn and tired' is not 'traditional'? neither is 'equality before the state' either, eh?

such a european mentality that you have.

No we have had too much of your gay agenda shoved in our faces. And I just don't mean here. I mean nation wide. EVERY WHERE! Enough is enough! Or maybe we should just counter with hetero parades and have couples go at it like your gay buddies do in their parades, (or like in one of your porns that you mentioned), as they pass people by and see what happens.

I saw a hetero parade yesterday, it was prime time television. Oh and I see them in children's movies as well.