Yes offer is just for part time years. I stopped working in 2006 but was on comp till November of 2008. I wrote to to UPS part time & UPS/IBT & Cental States. Got the same answers from all. I also had 22 years in, left due to total & permanent disability. Your part time earnings has nothing to do with your full time earnings. If you do nothing with your part time now you will get paid that amount at age 65 by UPS. Or choose to cash out instead doesn't matter. If choose to cash out of course you will not get a check at 65 then for part time. At age 65 you will receive your full time amount earned before 2008 & paid by Central States. So if you do nothing now you coukd get 2 or 3 separate checks at 65. 1 from UPS & 1 from Central States & depending on what year you left you could get a 3rd check from UPS/IBT from 2008 till the time you left. Write to UPS/IBT for $ amount for full time years & they will send you a letter telling what that amount is. It's a tad bit more then a $100 a year. At least mine was for all years before 2008. Not sure if this is for everyone for this next part but in our area if you worked at least 1 day in 2008 before leaving then if Center States is non existent when you turn 65 or only paying part of the monthly payment then Ups picks up the rest to equal your full amount.I worked for ups for 22 years, some part time and some full time, my question is; this buy out they are offering us is this just for the part-time years you worked there. If so dose that mean that we still have a pension from Central State, which is Teamsters. Because I know that UPS
took over the pension in 2008. Dose anyone know this answer