Remember management earn vacation time throughout the year in a pro-rated fashion- they do not get it all on Jan 1 since around 02 or '03 I think. So leaving at the end of Q3 you would not yet have the last quarter of vacation time in your bank. As
@FrigidFTSup said that's a policy your division manager can't change.
However- payroll really has no way of tracking how much vacation you have taken so they would not know if you had earned weeks in the bank. They would ask your manager that information. There are several steps where there process can get screwed up, especially since there isn't really a process.
I had the opposite situation. Due to a screw up in communication I was paid out a week I did not have in my bank after I left. It was a total nightmare to get it corrected and return that money to UPS...
well, I'm sure it would have been.