Didn't think I could get by the censors with the term I'd prefer...Interesting verbiage, ingrates?
And I'm guessing you mean because this meeting is in Las Vegas, everyone wants to go. That indicates you think travelling is a bowl of peaches. Far from it. It's a condition of the job and with travelling comes crap sleep, crap food and waiting at airports is...crap. Then for a bonus, you get bounced all over the sky and finally land to find your luggage missing (at 2AM).I'm guessing they break the attendance record every time it's held,....why wouldn't they??
Hooray where do I sign up for the next trip???
Meanwhile work is piling up every day away.
Much rather be home and sleep in my own bed.
No more poker Kemosabe, maybe you should organize a Brown Café euchre or sheepshead tourney?I would have loved to play in the poker tournament.