That's already being done with MRA and show up to work bonuses and they still struggle get enough warm bodies to cuddle up to packages. Every passing day Big Brown tries to get by without us will be "moving on" with a serious limp and a trail of brown blood running along in that refreshing toaster oven
heat. And I would think a scab-Jabroni would have to go to driving school before he can captain a big brown sweat-box around with packages. Might be a bit of a backlog trying to pump out enough new scab drivers that probably aren't the best apples of the bunch.
How are they going to train these potential scabs before the deadline. Anybody willing to cross a picket line has to be the worst of the worst, besides that most the best of the best are already taken. Another issue is the amount of people on these picket lines, it would make the “97” line look like Cub Scout meeting. Manning these lines will be no issue, particularly with the other Unions involved. It would be beyond ugly..
How are the going to get into these buildings or get on the road…you talk about liability …it will not be the striking UPS members that you have to watch out for, it will be the other picketers from other barns and Unions. They cannot be fired or be retaliated against once this is over…remember also everyone will have a camera unlike that one 26 years ago.
The vast majority of these potential scabs will be thugs, thieves or worst, besides that most of them are planning on going on Workers Comp once they find out how physically demanding the jobs really are. All of them would know they would be temporary with no chance of being permanent members or management and will be looking for any opportunity to case the joint in order to steal.
Look who they are hiring now…they are walking out 2 or 3 a month…!