UPS Transfer


Got the T-Shirt
If I'm the package car driver, I agree to let the feeder driver stay but I get the next opening and I dovetail one day ahead on the seniority list.

Would the union allow such a deal?

Sounds like the Union did the right thing. Doesn't sound like much opportunity if there is only one

feeder position in the building. Company mistake.... let them deal with it.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like the Union did the right thing. Doesn't sound like much opportunity if there is only one

feeder position in the building. Company mistake.... let them deal with it.
You ever heard anything like this happening before and trying to change the transfer after almost a year??


There is only 1 feeder driver at this location and one backup, it’s a very small operation maybe only 20 package cars.
You’re right. There is only 1 feeder driver position. The “Back up position” is not a thing. There’s drivers from another town near by that cover the run when needed. The “back up” position would work a few days the whole month. It’s not a position and the driver made sure before they transferred that it wasn’t an option.


Surprised the driver that sold his house hasn't lawyered already?
I’m just a bystander. I check in to see what’s going on because I’m curious. I’ve never heard of a case like this. Just like I’m curious when Portland lays off 300. I like to know why.

Lawyer might be a good idea, but not sure what they would be able to do. From what I was told no one wants to take the case. Force UPS to pay them compensation. Good luck.


So is the original guy who won the bid and sold his house still doing the job???
Yeah, still doing the job. The package driver that gets to take over has been on disability I think for 6 months. Package driver transferred here from another state and was in the building right before the feeder driver transferred.

I guess the guy taking over went from working in package on bottom of the call list to feeder. 1 year in new hub, 5 years with company. No semi truck experience. No CDL. Guy got a serious pay raise and actually gets a run. That’s probably a good reason why he wanted it.
So is the original guy who won the bid and sold his house still doing the job???
Yeah, still doing the job. The package driver that gets to take over has been on disability I think for 6 months. Package driver transferred here from another state and was in the building right before the feeder driver transferred.

I guess the guy taking over went from working in package on bottom of the call list to feeder. 1 year in new hub, 5 years with company. No semi truck experience. No CDL. Guy got a serious pay raise and actually gets a run. That’s probably a good reason why he wanted it.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, still doing the job. The package driver that gets to take over has been on disability I think for 6 months. Package driver transferred here from another state and was in the building right before the feeder driver transferred.

I guess the guy taking over went from working in package on bottom of the call list to feeder. 1 year in new hub, 5 years with company. No semi truck experience. No CDL. Guy got a serious pay raise and actually gets a run. That’s probably a good reason why he wanted it.

Yeah, still doing the job. The package driver that gets to take over has been on disability I think for 6 months. Package driver transferred here from another state and was in the building right before the feeder driver transferred.

I guess the guy taking over went from working in package on bottom of the call list to feeder. 1 year in new hub, 5 years with company. No semi truck experience. No CDL. Guy got a serious pay raise and actually gets a run. That’s probably a good reason why he wanted it.
Did the guy who transferred from another state moved because they knew this feeder job was opening up or was it just coincidence? That’s the problem with these small mom and pop operations…one or two feeder jobs and probably all night work. You’re just kinda stuck there unless you can transfer somewhere else…so what state was this in if you don’t mind
me asking??


Did the guy who transferred from another state moved because they knew this feeder job was opening up or was it just coincidence? That’s the problem with these small mom and pop operations…one or two feeder jobs and probably all night work. You’re just kinda stuck there unless you can transfer somewhere else…so what state was this in if you don’t mind
me asking??
The package driver that’s taking over moved here from another state. Hawaii I believe? I don’t know the details why they moved here. Maybe because it costs a lot to live in Hawaii.

The feeder driver that has to go back transferred from a hub 3 hours south. Same state. They transferred to be closer to family.