UPS Truck Hijacked, Driver killed in Shootout

clean hairy

Well-Known Member
There was a case in Dallas, Officer walked into an apartment on the wrong floor which was not hers.
She shot and killed a man watching tv in his living room.
You can look it up, it is the Amber Guyger case.
She was the officer, victim name Botham Jean (pronounced shon)


Well-Known Member
There was a case in Dallas, Officer walked into an apartment on the wrong floor which was not hers.
She shot and killed a man watching tv in his living room.
You can look it up, it is the Amber Guyger case.
She was the officer, victim name Botham Jean (pronounced shon)

I was more shocked that she got charged for it.


Well-Known Member
I'm curious what the fines would be for Joe Blow getting pulled over for driving 90 mph, weaving in and out of traffic and no turn signals.
$500 ticket probably. 4-6 points if you didnt plead down in court. I know there are states where if you get pulled over exceeding the speed limit by a certain amount you can be detained and held on a 5150. I think its over 120


nowhere special
Have they ever shown where the other car with a casualty was located in relation to the shootout?
Its amazing more innocent people didn't get shot. Or cops having blue on blue accidents. They were just blazing away with hardly aiming and little concern where the bullets would end up.


Well-Known Member
If you think you could do better, every police force in the country is incredibly understaffed. They could use someone of your expertise. You and all of the police haters and the incredibly capable nfl players who think taking a knee and hating on cops every chance they get could really make a difference. So why not put on a badge and try to protect a population that hates you! I think you would be great!

People who support the police can and should always be questioning training, tactics, and looking into mistakes and ways to improve. Those responsible for lack of leadership or putting lives at risk unnecessarily should be held to consequence.

Same goes for supporting our troops. Real Patriots can and should question why our sons are being killed around the world. For what purpose? We should be eager to uncover conspiracy in our government and end regime change wars instead of blindly sending our children into foreign lands at any government whim and being all patriotic about it.

So tired of extremist sheep always spouting their little mantras. "Ugh bootlicker!",. "Ugh cops just run around executing black people", "America love it or leave it".

I feel like so few people understand that it's possible to not be so ignorant and extreme in all of your views and have logic and sense. You can absolutely support the police while still holding poor leadership responsible.
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Well-Known Member
I'm curious what the fines would be for Joe Blow getting pulled over for driving 90 mph, weaving in and out of traffic and no turn signals.

I am not certain but I seem to believe it is a reckless driving charge and immediate jail time.


Well-Known Member
People who support the police can and should always be questioning training, tactics, and looking into mistakes and ways to improve. Those responsible for lack of leadership or putting lives at risk unnecessarily should be held to consequence.

Same goes for supporting our troops. Real Patriots can and should question why our sons are being killed around the world. For what purpose? We should be eager to uncover conspiracy in our government and end regime change wars instead of blindly sending our children into foreign lands at any government whim and being all patriotic about it.

So tired of extremist sheep always spouting their little mantras. "Ugh bootlicker!",. "Ugh cops just run around executing black people", "America love it or leave it".

I feel like so few people understand that it's possible to not be so ignorant and extreme in all of your views and have logic and sense. You can absolutely support the police while still holding poor leadership responsible.

You have a jayjay between your legs and fall into line when ordered.

I am here for you.

Netsua 3:16

Being a cop is just like any other profession. There are some that are truly morally sound, good, empathetic decision makers.
And there’s some that are complete idiots and have no business wearing the uniform.
Sounds a lot like UPS.
HOWEVER, while I judge cops on an individual basis.....their profession is a lot more important than delivering packages. The amount of money we spend to pay them, the immense responsibility of protecting and serving. I think we need to completely revamp the way those guys are hired. We’ve all seen videos that are straight up vulgar and make you want to puke, our brown brother falling out of that truck is just the latest example.
Cops need to be the elite of the elite pertaining to decision making, communication skills, and common sense. 95% of cops should be like Riggs in Lethal Weapon. We shouldn’t have so much film of these guys doing terrible things.


Well-Known Member
Yep. I don't blame the individual police officers as much as the lack of leadership. Those men were just caught up in the moment, adrenaline filled, feeding off their "brothers in blue" energy. The fact remains though that this shootout was a direct result of allowing upwards of 100 police officers to abandon their post and create this mob mentality amongst them.

Somebody should have stood up and got on the radio and told 80 percent of them to return to duty. There was no militia, it was 2 guys with guns. You had a chopper on them, you had gps on the truck. Make the appropriate decision to reign in your resources and act intelligently staying back and monitoring from a distance until they ditched the truck. This lack of leadership was directly responsible for creating a firefight during rush hour traffic. In ANY profession where there was absolute gross negligence and people lost their lives there would be consequences, this is no different. And this is coming from someone who has more connections with police officers as friends and former coworkers than the average person.

Brown Circus

Shh...It’s peak and I’m hunting logic
I think part of that problem is that there were multiple agencies involved. It wasn’t 300 shots from the local pd only.

clean hairy

Well-Known Member
Why 20-30 police cars chasing a UPS truck?
I think there may have been that many chasing the stolen Army Tank, but that is far different from a UPS truck.....

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