UPS Truck Hijacked, Driver killed in Shootout


Well-Known Member
I’d did not have to have to go this way. They could have easily sniped the hijackers from the front, disable the truck than surround it with armored truck. As far as I know police opens fire only when hostage life is in danger. They unleashed their fire power with no regard to the public safety, one officer is seeing hiding behind an SUV and pointing his rifle!!!. This is nuts
My thoughts and prayers are with his family


Well-Known Member
Watch the full, unedited chopper video. It went for a long stretch down a virtually empty highway...plenty of opportunity to get that truck stopped.

Could not agree more. So much ample opportunity with nobody around the truck in many instances where the tires could have been blown out or put strips down.

Shame that some good people were lost, including one of our own......and money needless to say won't bring him back. But the way this was handled boy are they gonna pay.

What a damn shame. Our thoughts are with you buddy.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Watch the full, unedited chopper video. It went for a long stretch down a virtually empty highway...plenty of opportunity to get that truck stopped.

Ram it with the hostage inside? Maybe they didn’t because they knew there was one. We dont know for sure yet.

What hopefully comes out is, did police have knowledge that the driver was in the vehicle, Either as a driver or a hostage? They shot as if there wasn’t anyone innocent within 200 feet.

They had to return fire BECAUSE there were so many innocent people nearby. I know an old SAS guy that trained with the Israel Special Forces back in the late 1980s. They would risk killing a hostage to save other livesS. I don’t think our police or military train that way but logic says that it’s the right thing to do. There is still too many unknowns at this point to accurately cast blame on the police.


Well-Known Member
i anticipate .223 being the cause of death for all innocents. At least unlike The pulse club shooting, they can’t blame a bad guy with a .223 caliber gun.


Retired 23 years
Once the cops go into "kill" mode nothing stops them. It's like the one who fires the most shots gets a trophy. This whole scene is beyond tragic and should have been handled differently. I hope some of the boys in blue are brought up on murder charges if in fact the driver was killed by their bullets.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Spike strip, perhaps road block. Then deal with the hostage situation with a SWAT team. All without threats to 100's of motorists stuck in a traffic jam.

If it were that simple they would have done those things. We need to see the bigger picture here. Maybe they didn’t have all that available to them or were about to but the rush hour traffic got in the way? Ones things for sure. If they had chosen any other way to handle it and our driver had gotten killed (likely) people would still be bashing the cops.

The robbers didn’t hesitate to shoot. Our guy was likely going to die no matter what they tried. I think the only logical option would have been the sniper but maybe he wasn’t available yet? And that could have went wrong in so many ways as well. This just sucks.


Well-Known Member
Now i just read this. Today was the drivers first day on the road alone. He had just completed his training. So he was probably a casual. It just gets worse. This is heartbreaking.



Well-Known Member
Idk how you are going to get a sniper set up to hit a moving target going 60. Are you going to snipe him from one of the police cruisers? The UPS driver was sitting on the floor any sort of wreck would have seriously injured him. The police probably fired what 100+ rounds into the truck? Excessive. But I don't think the kidnappers were going to let that driver leave alive. The chances of saving that driver were extremely low. But the cops continued to shoot him as he crawled/fell out of the truck.


IE boogeyman
the cops hosed that poor driver

naturally none of them will be held responsible for that cluster:censored2: of a shootout

they looked like they learned their hostage rescue tactics from the Russian spetznaz....


Well-Known Member
Just saw this one
WPLG Local 10
Bullets ricocheting and whizzing by. No common regard for any human life. Protests should be happening right now. They botched this one pretty bad.

Dude was better off getting killed by the hostage takers. That was straight out of a movie. All these macho cops lack a certain common sense.


Active Member
The police had little to no control over where the robber decided to go. Hindsight is 20/20. It’s the usual “damned if you do damned if you don’t scenario.” I could never be a cop. No way, no how. Not for all the money in the world.
Hindsight is 20/20 is exactly what line of fire rules are built around. No clear line of fire, do not fire. And the two guns shooting out of the ups truck didn't hit the driver inside the truck. May or may not have hit the bystander killed, but not if they hadn't put so :censored2:ing many innocent people in the line of fire. Miracle more people weren't shot.


Well-Known Member
CNN and NBC news have front page articles on their websites.

Now I know if I'm ever a hostage, I'm better off jumping out of a moving truck at 60 mph, than trusting the police in any attempt to de escalate or retreat/help.

Does anyone know if he was actual driving? Was only one suspect in the front area, and one in the back?