Reform Crew: "Your intellect on the MOU is moot. As I understand some of this, the trustees of the CS Plan have powers to change things in that HC Plan. They are also voted in and out. to Member's satisfaction? Members get to vote on what H/H/&Andy M bring forward as they are appointed to negotiate this on member's behalf. I personally wish to see the WC have their own HC Plan. As someone pointed it out to me way back earlier this year, funding such a plan is difficult. After a few months of research on my own, that statement seems to be correct"
So your a professional on contract negotiation...... LOL!!!! How many time must I say it? CS plan is the worst case scenario and having the Central Sates is bad because of the Central States Trustees. This is what I have been saying since day 1 that the MOU must get done and be controlled by West Trustees (have you even read the MOU or my arguments with TOS?). You voted no cause you didn't believe it would get done, had nothing on paper and listen to Debbie Downers like TOS way too much. Our leaders get it and told the members they understand a no vote because of the ambiguous language but wanted their trust with a yes vote. Here is what it comes down to, I believe in Andy M and that the MOU will get done and the West will get a plan they can control. That means WE the west negotiate our own plan from now on and the IBT can not levy votes from the central and east coast like they did for the NMA. The reality is your "No" vote did nothing to change the MOU or when it would be completed. You could have voted yes and we still would be here waiting as well. It makes perfect sense that they will come through for the actives and like I said before if we don't get the MOU there will be trouble for every local out here (if thrown in Central states plan, not because of some internet reformers). I can not tell you it will or won't happen but until they fail I got their backs. They deserve it and you would want people to trust in you if your job was on the line. Last time I checked we are a UNION and we all like our jobs don't we.
PS. That Dog you talked about has some bark or that MOU might not even been in the contract. Hopefully we get some SPD's soon and find out what direction we are truly going.
Laguna, you start by calling the poster "reform clown", but I am curious how he is the "clown" when he VOTED on this contract, and YOU didnt? Seems like the only one who should feel like a "clown" would be YOU.
Second, you keep harping on the MOU being done and I dont know what you think you are talking about. What is it in the MOU and in fact, which MOU are you talking about in the first place?
Is there an MOU in the national master agreement that allows the west to spend what they want, pick any benefit level they want and maintain those levels on their own?
If there is, would you please post that MOU for all of us to see. Apparently, none of us have read that one and you have.
You said "I believe in Andy and that the MOU will get done and the West will get a plan they can control. That means WE the west negotiate our own plan from now on and the IBT can not levy votes from the central and east coast like they did for the NMA"
First things first. In your statement, you say "WE" can control our healthcare plan, in saying "WE" are you implying that "WE" the members will have some say in the healthcare plans future, like benefit levels, additional costs and such? IF so, you couldnt be more wrong. The plan will have trustees, and those trustees will have the POWER to make changes to benefit levels WITHOUT our approval. They can increase the cost of these plans to members by a simple vote and that vote will NOT have to be authorized by the members of the west. That means, any out of pocket changes can come at ANY TIME and NOTHING will be locked in for the duration of the contract.
You seem to be implying that the "west" can somehow find us a plan that is just like the current UPS that we have and that is wrong as well.
You claim to "believe" in Andy, but do you really? If so, then why not "believe" A's OWN WORDS. You seem to think he is going to pull a rabbit out of his hat and get you a plan that is just like what we have today? How about we listen to his own words and go from there?
"even if we get our own plan, a carve out, it will still be the same benefit levels as the C6, so in effect, what you are voting for IS the C6 plan" ~Andy M- Contract meeting, local 396 and local 952.
I find it disturbing that we have a "Steward" who claims to be the best steward around working in local 952 and he doesnt have the correct understanding of the MOU that has been proposed. Its disturbing that you are walking around talking to members giving them a false sense of security about the healthcare that will affect them in the future, but then again, you didnt vote so what else could be expected.
You can believe in A. all you want, but remember, it was A. who put us in this situation in the first place by NOT standing up to the IBT and fighting for our current healthcare plan. No matter what baloney A. is spinning currently, it is clear that the IBT's intention was to toss us into the C6 no matter what. The 6 months to "find" us another plan in the west was nothing more than a rouse.
You bought into it, I get it. But, as i asked you in the begining of this post, show us the MOU you believe exists in the NMA. Ill wait.