UPS Uprising at Local 952!


Well-Known Member
You talk too much. Agree to disagree. Wait to see plan. Anything else is more YOUR ego than anything else. Bye bye

I see you have been placed in checkmate. Thanks for being nothing more than a blowhard. My ego trumps your nonsense. If you had a case, you would provide what I asked you for.

Unfortunately, it doesnt exist. Your imagination ran wild, but then again, its all you have.



Lol.... I put you in check wait .


Well-Known Member
As for me, I am totally ok with taking the raise away from EVERYONE and applying that money to maintaining the benefits of the west and southwest even if that means taking it out of YOUR pocket.

You will find that the membership affected all feel the same way.

Chew on that one.


...and that's why you'll never get elected.


Well-Known Member
BTW I'm sorry for implying you and your reformers were employee that work at a circus that I can't say because you complained to this site but I hope you don't drop names any more. See how simple that is..... I didn't have to got to a moderator or the NLRB or any where else. Try going to your local and calling them out cause I heard you were quiet as a mouse at the local compared to you windy rants on brown cafe.

Hawfuh Sux

Old Guard Assassin!
When 952 held the contract meeting word got out that it turned into a ruckus and people wanted to burn the hall down. I heard there was a lot of animosity directed at P and G directly. Every shop steward was upset, with the exception of one.

That one was ***. But its also known that once PK retires and GM emerges as his successor he will hire *** as his business agent. The word had it was between him and EJ, but EJ has balled up and challenged PK and GM now.

In the 2010 Local 952 election only 2,436 people voted out of a membership of about 8,800.

Kelly-Hahn Slate received 1,181
Reform 952 Slate 446
Member Run Slate 422

You can bet that P will not reach 1,000 votes, not after Anaheim which was their strong hold has splintered from him. PK wont carry Laguna and OCTA almost decertified a couple months ago.

UPS Freight wants nothing to do with P, YRC got kicked out of the Western Conference Pension Fund and Grocery has never supported the local. All of the previous slates had come out of grocery until Reform 952 came out of UPS.

Mark my words, those 868 votes that went for the two opposing slates will only increase and P will not reach 1000.

How did that meeting held by the opposing slate go today?

Last I heard was that Member Run Slate has two Albertsons people running with the Anaheim Slate and one OCTA steward at least.

Hawfuh Sux

Old Guard Assassin!
The Anaheim Slate started campaigning on Monday.

Kelly is very worried and is praying to the lord a third slate appears and splits the vote.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Just like he was worried about you last election. You're fantasy world never ceases to amaze me.

Here's the difference Mark, this ISNT the last election. This is today, on the heels of a horrible contract for the southwest. 952 is the first southwest local to hold an election "post" contract proposal.

The mood of the members is alot different now. Once the pain of this contract is felt by the members, the mood will definitely change.

Someone will have to be held responsible for this P.O.S. contract.

952 will either make a change, or stick with the people who "assisted" in screwing them. If they keep the same people, then they deserve the representation and outcome that has presented itself in this years contract negotiations.

In the last election, there was NO horrible contract hanging over their heads.

There is no fantasy in assigning blame. Our local leaders had an obligation to protect us as dues paying members. The southwest leaders screwed us all and the members are extremely upset.

I wouldnt maintain such a high degree of confidence when the Master, Rider and Supplemental was voted down by an 80% margin in the west.




Well-Known Member
That's a lot of babble. Why don't you wait till you find out more about the MOU. Remember the one you said cant get done cause there was not enough time. Hmmmmmmm
With respect to the issue of Health insurance for the West and Southwest, the main complaint from our members is that there was NOTHING solid to vote on, nothing to reference, nothing to assure us that it was in fact what it was represented to be. Week after week, the C6 plan continued to change from its original display to us, and that is reason for caution.

The IBT and our local leaders expected us to vote YES on NOTHING but a simple.. "TRUST US".

IS that how you buy cars? A home? A motorcycle? Family insurance? "TRUST US?"

This is a CONTRACT. It has defined terms that we are agreeing to, and when those terms are no longer "defined" and the union wants us to simply "TRUST US", then there is going to be a problem.

The members out here are not dumb. We know better than to take the unions word for anything. With a laundry list of concessions already, what prompts us to believe the insurance will not be compromised as well?

To simply vote yes, and give the IBT 6 months to stroke us and then tell us, "hey, my bad, we tried to find you better insurance, but we couldnt do it, here is the C6"...

That would be just plain stupid.

Sorry if this inconvenience holds up the contract ratification, but we are not going to settle for less like the rest of the country did when it comes to health care.

As for me, I am totally ok with taking the raise away from EVERYONE and applying that money to maintaining the benefits of the west and southwest even if that means taking it out of YOUR pocket.

You will find that the membership affected all feel the same way.

Chew on that one.


You are such a Me-ster. Not only are you crazy but you only care about your region. You accused us of this but this is your true color. Congratulations


Nine Lives
In Emily Gets Her Gun, Emily Miller tells her personal story of how being a single, female victim of a home invasion drove her to try to obtain a legally registered gun in Washington, D.C. The narrative–sometimes shocking, other times hilarious in its absurdity–gives the reader a real life understanding of how gun–control laws only make it more difficult for honest, law–abiding people to get guns, while violent crime continues to rise.

But that’s just the beginning. Beyond her personal story, Emily shares facts and newly uncovered research to expose the schemes politicians on Capitol Hill, in the White House, and around the country are using to deny people their Second Amendment rights. Emily Gets Her Gun is a must–read for anyone who knows that denying our gun rights is just the first step toward denying all our rights.

Hopefully, she ends up shooting herself with it. that would make my day.



So, this is the type of guy you want as an officer in your Union Local? Geez!


This is just the beginning of their B S.

I have worked for UPS now for 15 years pt. Local 957 is my home. We are working now what seams to be good faith agreement. When asked by our local what we wanted on this contract. Our poles stated, insurance to be left alone. The local nor the international listen to its members. The locals power comes from BIG BROWN an all of its work force. We must not listen anymore to the BS they are telling its members. If Hoffa an Hall want to remain leaders of men reopen the master to protect what we have. First by remembering
The international an the locals work for its members. Don't forget what was said to us not 9cents or 99cents. Our leaders as well as other stables in the locals don't have the same benefits so why would they think they know what we have an what we are giving up. Remember their actions an words in the next election on both sides of our so called protection. That way let's hope we will stop hearing their BS


Well-Known Member
How so many people --as old Jack Nicholson once said , "You can't handle the truth"

Hoffa made huge mistakes by trusting in and supporting "Obamacare" He did not understand the ramifications Obamacare would have on Cadillac healthcare plans.
Hoffa and Hall were "educated" on the realities during negotiations.

It is the B.S . we got from our President Obama who stated many times "If you like your present healthcare -no problem --you can keep it. What he failed to tell you --you can keep it if you pay 40% to 50% MORE for it ---so you can pay for many others that are lazy and would never work as hard as you do.

Don't give me the poor and helpless crap --they were always covered by Medicaid and the Seniors by Medicare before all this nonsense --everyday a new dispensation or rollout problem.

Now after "knowing whats in it" Hoffa and other Union leaders send a letter to Obama stating that Obamacare will hurt the working middle class ----and still we see denial on this thread --as some people will hang on to "their" politicians and claim that "Hoffa only signed the letter --he did not write it " What the hell does that mean ?????

People are also waiting for Hoffa to give them more information ------??? ---ask Obama !!!!:sad-little: Elections do have very real consequences !!


Well-Known Member
Re: This is just the beginning of their B S.

I have worked for UPS now for 15 years pt. Local 957 is my home. We are working now what seams to be good faith agreement. When asked by our local what we wanted on this contract. Our poles stated, insurance to be left alone. The local nor the international listen to its members. The locals power comes from BIG BROWN an all of its work force. We must not listen anymore to the BS they are telling its members. If Hoffa an Hall want to remain leaders of men reopen the master to protect what we have. First by remembering
The international an the locals work for its members. Don't forget what was said to us not 9cents or 99cents. Our leaders as well as other stables in the locals don't have the same benefits so why would they think they know what we have an what we are giving up. Remember their actions an words in the next election on both sides of our so called protection. That way let's hope we will stop hearing their BS
You did hear that the National Agreement passed right? So why should they illegally "open" an agreement that was passed by a majority of members?

Hawfuh Sux

Old Guard Assassin!
It was passed, not ratified. And with the Southwest and Local 89 being in limbo this contract is very far from being ratified.


Well-Known Member
It was passed, not ratified. And with the Southwest and Local 89 being in limbo this contract is very far from being ratified.
Thanks chief but I got that part. That's the point. The National TA has been accepted by the majority of the voting members. No reason to illegally re-open an agreement that, once again, THE MAJORITY of voters passed. Voting no on the supplements won't change the Master and it will be imposed. The IBT is not striking over this, they won't sanction a strike by L89 and the west won't vote to strike anyway. Hoffa might suck but life will go on.