Anyone comes at me with their hand on their gun I'm marking all thatIt was a regular day here …..I had a security guard at one of my stops that always just buzzed me in came out with his hand on his gun and wanted me to open up the back of the truck,so I did.It was around three in the afternoon before I saw the first video of what had happened.
you’ve never held a weapon in your lifeAnyone comes at me with their hand on their gun I'm marking all thatrefused and taking it the
back with me.
That's a joke, right? You're being ironic?you’ve never held a weapon in your life
Next day, same thing. PCM on getting all work done... nothing to see here.Same here. Sickening thinking about it.
RookieI wasn’t with UPS at the time. I had put my daughter on the bus and just pulled into the parking lot of the place I was working when the first tower was hit. A coworker lived nearby so ran home and got a tv and set it up in the office. We didn’t get anything done, just watched the news as everything unfolded.
We’re also at the other end of the state, so most things ran as usual. By that night they were already sending volunteers to go downstate to help.
Not what they told us.What's the truth?
I get goosebumps just thinking about it. I wanted to go home as soon as I saw it on TV at a business on the route.I saw it on a TV at a business. Saw the next tower fall at the TV station. Weird, no planes in the sky all day, except the one that flew directly over my area that crashed in PA. Stay on the road..Got in and everyone just wanted to go home. Phones didnt work very well that day, and Im talking land lines either. Busy busy. When I got in they wanted me to do the employee satisfaction survey. Cant make this crap up. Got in fairly early as all the sensible places let their employees go home. Not ours. And never again went on the road without my radio.
The biggest problem is if it was a set up they now know they can get away with anything even if it doesn’t make sense.
It was tough to work that day, not knowing what the hell was going on, getting bits and pieces of information.Every Single Business out there, the employees were watching it all on TVs. Not us, we had work to do...
They forced you all to run deliveries while the attack happened???
This should be goodWhat's the truth?