Well-Known Member
As I've previously stated I would have liked to see it go up more to. But at the same time you're using worst case scenario. There is a progression that will help retention. Some will realistically be making 10:50 after 90 days and 11 after a year.
What is the turnover rate as of today. If you have 10 part-timers hired, how many actually stick around for a year? If the starting wage was 10 or 12 bucks an hour, how many of those 10 part-timers would stick around for the same year period. I think turnover would be about the same. We are lucky that there will be a large turnover of people in the next few years, starting now. There will me more movement going on than there has been since the 80's when ups was hiring drivers like crazy. Yes, most of these jobs will be with pkg and feeder, but some will be combo jobs. And a comment on supporting a family on part-time, I remember working in the hub and most people had 2 jobs, or were going to school or had a spouse that worked full time. I do believe that the wage should be higher to start, but for those that want full time work driving, you will not have to wait the 7 or 8 years that many of the drivers of earlier did. There are many in my building that only worked in the hub 2 years and then got the call. It will probably be less time for this year. Why is everyone blowing this off, this is good news.