WAIT!!!! Everyone, cant you see this is just a sweet, little baby,aaaahhhh.(junior member,notice I didnt put cute in there). Hes fragile. Republicans you have to talk softly and nice to the little guy. Maybe he needs a bottle of Republican REP vitamin D milk to clear up his little misguided head. You cant blame him he was born that way. There, there. ( :
(sitting on rocking chair with orphan baby), Rock a bye baby on the(everybody join in) tree top when the wind blows the cradle will.......BURP!!...and a BIG FART. Wow! didnt expect that from the little guy. (sniff, sniff) Oh Boy! Lets just check his little diaper,here. Hey, look folks he s just full of . lmao. Ok, changey time, is there anyone who would like to volunteer.