Nine Lives
These are some of the results of Ups wanting to stretch out longer and longer to top rate. When I started it took me 9 months to get to top rate, now 4 yrs WTF? Concessions/givebacks only hurt the future ones looking for a job at Ups. when you get hired you know up front the deal...Can it take 5-6 yrs down the road? By then everyone will be working for P/T wages for many yrs before top rate (UPS PLAN more $$$ for the stockholders), No reason for concessions when Billions are made yr after yr...I go back to 81....And I can't recall them losing any $$$ in any yr. Please correct me if I am wrong..
Another example of senior drivers voting more money for themselves at the expense of their future brothers.
UPS Drivers are greedy bastards as far as I can tell, never caring for anyone but themselves.