Upstate/West NY Supplement .. the joke is on you


Well-Known Member
Hoax... Im one of them there educated fellers in the south took advantage of earn and learn, and the UPS concern loan. I have college degrees in criminal justice, political science, and economics. Going into Loss Prevention for UPS was my dream, everyone here can agree that we need to keep the crooks out of UPS and keep the customers that are crooks in check as well. I worked 2 jobs through college, when I presented HR with my intent to go into LP, I was given 2 options option #1 become a part time soup and work my way up(no guarantee how long it would be till I made it to LP) or option #2 become a cover driver and go full time and go from full time hourly-full time mgmt(LP) with my respected education. At 21 I started "cover driving" on Mon, Wed, Fri(days I didnt have class). I learned driving really wasnt that bad(back then) and I actually enjoyed it AND made more than most of the full time managers(and all the part time soups), with better benefits. After I graduated they started using me 5 days a week(for 2 years), then got word of the kicker... There was no way I was going to go full time anytime soon, the only way to get into LP would to be go into part time supervision... Ya know, only a $30k a year pay cut... By this time I had purchased a home. It was a huge uppercut to the chin by HR. But still I was making so much I didnt care about leaving the company to find a job in investigative work, I could go work in insurance fraud tomorrow as an investigator for $50/hour but Ill be working nights, weekends, holidays, out of town, and not have half the healthcare I do now. Ive invested 12 years here... I dont want to start all over again. I am very involved in the stock market, I actually make a killing in my company 401k plan and max out my roth anually, and do pretttttty well in my private portfolio. I just turned 29. Im not saying Im the smartest, or most awesome, sure... Im a tad bit arrogant, but I can back it up. Perhaps Im an idiot for staying here? Dude, I just dont want to work 50hrs a week anymore... I want my healthcare to stay the same, and I really dont stress being harasses... sure they do it, but *insert arrogant snicker* Im smarter than my managers and I play the game 10x better than anyone in Atlanta can teach them.
Ohhhh and BACK to the topic at hand "where did I get my info from"? Come on Hoax, you know I cant disclose that, read the last 20 lines and it will all add up. Im not the typical everyday run of the mill brainwashed box jockey!
P.S. didnt see any hogs this morning but I shot a 6 ft timber rattler.. one less I got to worry about. CHEERS!!!


Nine Lives
I'm smarter than my managers and I play the game 10x better than anyone in Atlanta can teach them.

P.S. didnt see any hogs this morning but I shot a 6 ft timber rattler.. one less I got to worry about. CHEERS!!!

Nothing wrong with playing the system to your benefit.
Perhaps an LP position will open for you.
A lot of emphasis on security these days is in cyber-crime.
If you can enhance your knowledge in that area, it will open more doors - at UPS or elsewhere.

Glad you did not see me!
​I have a house in the NC mountains that have timber rattlers ... they seem to have a more nasty disposition than other poisonous snakes. Copperheads all over too.


Well-Known Member
Make room in the sandbox. Dave has come back to the sandbox, putting his Barbie Backpack down, pulling out his Pink Barbie Camper, Cabbage Patch Kid and all of his toys.

Lets not piss him off or he may gather up all of his toys and leave us again.


Well-Known Member
Ive helped UPS, but mostly the local Sheriffs. Busted a few stolen credit card rings, some dealing in stolen property, a few cases where I knew there was known meth labs. Pretty sad when I can get a better deal from the authorities through crime stoppers than through working with LP. Hell, I helped put a hault to an incident a few years back where someone was getting a certain appliance shipped to an abandoned home, the appliance had 5kilos of cocaine in it... yep, that reward $ payed for the misses' boob job hahaha
The supplement, which just a month or so ago had a handshake, has gone back to the negotiating table. The stumbling block appears to be retiree health care. The 4x10's mentioned above are feeder only and will be limited to 10% of the total bid routes rounded down to the next lowest number---in my center that would mean 1 bid route would be converted to 4x10's, with overtime starting after 10 hours/day, 40 hours/week. In regard to retiree health care, the company wants the union to offer our retirees health care with premiums between $50-100/month----currently it is closer to $500/month. The company and union are sitting down to work out the details and expect to have a supplement ready to vote on by the end of the month.

I like the contract. PTers got their bump in starting pay to $10/hr. FTers got decent raises with the 1st 3 years paid in full on 1 Aug. Changes have been made to Surepost to get it more in line with the original concept of small packages being diverted---technology will be put in place to ensure packages exceeding 10 pounds and/or a certain dimensional size will be delivered by UPS hourly employees. FT progression was increased to 4 years which in effect creates a two-tiered wage system----I am certain we will see a defined two-tiered wage system in 2018. Healthcare goes to the Teamsters---as I predicted the 30/60/90 magically disappeared. The use of technology as a discipline tool remains unchanged----this surprised me as I thought for sure we would see language more in the favor of the company on this issue, especially considering the amount of money they have invested in technology.

I was surprised at the number of people who had no idea our contract was about to expire when I mentioned that we had a handshake agreement.
welcome back Dave
I am taking what will most likely become a permanent break from Brown Cafe.

Read more: Wrong again !!!
I'm out of the name calling and fighting with Dave. This place hasent been the same without him. I have an appreciation for him on this forum. For that matter I would appreciate if everyone respected women on this site. This is one of my reasons to go in life. Women are our moms our daughters sister and wives. They are also friends and they should be respected. Someone loves everybody and everybody loves someone. I'm sorry I bullied Dave but that's water under the bridge where I'm concerned. Post away Dave.


Well-Known Member
You may have misread what I posted---the company does not want to insure retirees---they want the union, which does currently offer retiree healthcare for around $500/month, to do so for $50-100/month. Our health fund is doing quite well---we have enough money to provide 18 months of coverage in our reserve fund. Our BA told us that the union is trying to figure out if they can do this and what would be the best way to do this if they are able to.

Our pension is at 51% and there was talk of raising the retirement age to 57 but our BA told us that the last quarter of the economic turndown of 2008 is about to come off the books and our funding percentage should increase dramatically. We still have about 5,000 more retirees than actives.

Welcome back!
I cant find it? Is it downloaded somewhere? Local is turning into Ups patsy. Like stink. So glad he's not my steward.

Of course it can't be downloaded. Kearney, the ring leader, is getting paid off, and cancelled 3 contract meetings to avoid getting drilled with questions, or worse. And, the Kearney paid-off crew will not let the supplement be seen until it is vote time, so it will be harder to try and correct the kickback contract.
Night train is this just for feeders? Anyone else have a look at upstate supplements?
Some language starts for feeders, but classification seniority is going to be nullified, and bumping rights and fair days wage is all going down the drain if this is voted in. 317 will vote this stinker down again, hope everyone can see through the payoff anti-Union supplement.

3 done 3 to go

In control of own destiny
I will not vote for it anyway. Hope the rest of upstate vote it down also. Kearney needs to ask the members what we want. Not be the first local in the nation to settle. For the 3rd time
Still silence from our local. Any news on our supplement in upstate Ny.

Lol ...tomorrow, the truth is coming out, especially the lack of a good supplemental contract and what the BAs earn by detailed description and for what? Let's just say they make a 60 hour feeder salary, and the free automobile and fuel . Kearney, Hammond and the loser Rochester ba that had 5 scabs in 1997... This supplemental contract is a disgrace and your days will be numbered. Kearney needs to disclose company payoffs for this farce, and Hammond will need to stop wearing make-up. Anyone with time knows all of this to be true. Please tune In Tomorrow for the real contract truth.
Is it true that Local 687 has their contract meeting Memorial Day weekend? Sounds like a good way to keep attendance down for the lousy Supplement review. What do you 687 members think?