Well-Known Member
Hoax... Im one of them there educated fellers in the south took advantage of earn and learn, and the UPS concern loan. I have college degrees in criminal justice, political science, and economics. Going into Loss Prevention for UPS was my dream, everyone here can agree that we need to keep the crooks out of UPS and keep the customers that are crooks in check as well. I worked 2 jobs through college, when I presented HR with my intent to go into LP, I was given 2 options option #1 become a part time soup and work my way up(no guarantee how long it would be till I made it to LP) or option #2 become a cover driver and go full time and go from full time hourly-full time mgmt(LP) with my respected education. At 21 I started "cover driving" on Mon, Wed, Fri(days I didnt have class). I learned driving really wasnt that bad(back then) and I actually enjoyed it AND made more than most of the full time managers(and all the part time soups), with better benefits. After I graduated they started using me 5 days a week(for 2 years), then got word of the kicker... There was no way I was going to go full time anytime soon, the only way to get into LP would to be go into part time supervision... Ya know, only a $30k a year pay cut... By this time I had purchased a home. It was a huge uppercut to the chin by HR. But still I was making so much I didnt care about leaving the company to find a job in investigative work, I could go work in insurance fraud tomorrow as an investigator for $50/hour but Ill be working nights, weekends, holidays, out of town, and not have half the healthcare I do now. Ive invested 12 years here... I dont want to start all over again. I am very involved in the stock market, I actually make a killing in my company 401k plan and max out my roth anually, and do pretttttty well in my private portfolio. I just turned 29. Im not saying Im the smartest, or most awesome, sure... Im a tad bit arrogant, but I can back it up. Perhaps Im an idiot for staying here? Dude, I just dont want to work 50hrs a week anymore... I want my healthcare to stay the same, and I really dont stress being harasses... sure they do it, but *insert arrogant snicker* Im smarter than my managers and I play the game 10x better than anyone in Atlanta can teach them.
Ohhhh and BACK to the topic at hand "where did I get my info from"? Come on Hoax, you know I cant disclose that, read the last 20 lines and it will all add up. Im not the typical everyday run of the mill brainwashed box jockey!
P.S. didnt see any hogs this morning but I shot a 6 ft timber rattler.. one less I got to worry about. CHEERS!!!
Ohhhh and BACK to the topic at hand "where did I get my info from"? Come on Hoax, you know I cant disclose that, read the last 20 lines and it will all add up. Im not the typical everyday run of the mill brainwashed box jockey!
P.S. didnt see any hogs this morning but I shot a 6 ft timber rattler.. one less I got to worry about. CHEERS!!!