A message of nationalistic pride, that uses a ethnic minority as the "boogeyman ", and appeals to the common man. If it quacks like a duck , walks like a duck ,then more than likely it is a duck
lets see:
1)message of nationalistic pride - employed by every president?
2) ethic minority as the boogeyman - you're referring to radical Islamic terrorist? and ignoring the liberal attack on the Christian "boogeyman" we live with every day?
3)appeals to the common man - sounds like someone is experiencing a moment of superiority. the thrust of the liberal attack on the trump supporter has been to denigrate them into being from some lower class of citizenry. Thus my favorite example where the blue collar worker suddenly became the uneducated worker in various forms.
This is in its form is classic snowflakeism to somehow deal with the loss of your beloved Russian paid for server hiding server dusting coverup queen dear wonderful Hillary Clinton you over emphasize the threat the winning candidate poses to the free world and you denigrate the folks who voted for him.
In so doing you alas also overstate your own understanding of politics as if some form probably not god since you are not capable of god or the morals that come with a belief in our diety , you none the less have been gifted with some superior intellect that allows you to look down on the rest of us with disdain and scorn. And like the little child sitting up all night staring with fear at the closet across the room you will someday discover that there was no bogeyman and the closet was just a closet and nothing else.