Vacation time


Methods Man
I’m an old timer, 30 + years, voting no because of the 22.4 concession. Your start time will change, your hours will be reduced below 40, nothing I like about it.

This contract is utter crap! Anyone else thinks it's borderline ok needs Meds! They will advance so much work over the weekend. Monday drivers will be off center and layoffs. Grievances won't mean jack! They will have a field day breaking up routes! Total chaos!! VOTING NO 29 years and counting...if this pile of dung passes expect stewards to burn out cause it's going to be day after day battle. Open ur eyes to the current situation and how's that working for you?

22.4 will be implemented in EVERY job category. Get the big picture don't you see what will happen?


Well-Known Member
22.4 will be implemented in EVERY job category. Get the big picture don't you see what will happen?

In my opinion, they wont be used in every category, or not much anyways. Im betting they would use the 22.4s primarily for driving, and leave the package handling work to part timers. It would be more expensive for them to pay a 22.4 to sort packages than a part timer
In my opinion, they wont be used in every category, or not much anyways. Im betting they would use the 22.4s primarily for driving, and leave the package handling work to part timers. It would be more expensive for them to pay a 22.4 to sort packages than a part timer
Maybe. Hourly pay would be more but if you got rid of a few part time jobs, that's a lot of benefits money


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We don’t even bid routes in my local. Just a start time. I can’t even get enough people that think this is a big deal to make anything of it. Lmao.
Am I getting this straight, you just show up to work like a swing /cover driver and go to whatever route they assign? Daily? WTF kind of S* is that!

John Boy

Well-Known Member
Curious to see what's going to happen in my center. We don't have Saturday ground and only run 2 Saturday air drivers. ORS doesn't think we'll even have 22.4 drivers. We only have 30 RPC driver's and only run 27 routes on a heavy day.


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We bid routes every year and I remember when I first heard about locals where you bid a route and then you're basically stuck on it for life I thought "Man, that's messed up". Then I found about you guys...
We bid for life and there are some routes where the bid driver has been on it for 25 years.


Got the T-Shirt
We bid for life and there are some routes where the bid driver has been on it for 25 years.

When you say "bid for life", does that mean you can never bid another route ?

In the Central Region, there is no annual bid for pkg car drivers.... but you can still

bid other routes when they become available. In fact, you can bid 3 times in a year.

The only stipulation being, within that year, you cant bid back to your original route.



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Pretty much. Your name is next to a route, but they can move you whenever or wherever they want.

That really sucks. The only hope and motivation as a swing/cover driver is to someday get a bid route of your own. I can't stand coming to work and not having a set route. 90% of the time, I can request where I want to be since I am one of the higher seniority swing drivers.

When you say "bid for life", does that mean you can never bid another route ?

In the Central Region, there is no annual bid for pkg car drivers.... but you can still

bid other routes when they become available. In fact, you can bid 3 times in a year.

The only stipulation being, within that year, you cant bid back to your original route.


Central here as well. So, to clarify "bid for life", I just meant that when a route is bid and won, the driver can stay on it for life if he or she so chooses. We have no mandatory re-bids...yet.

Been In Brown Too Long

Ex-Package Donkey
When you say "bid for life", does that mean you can never bid another route ?

In the Central Region, there is no annual bid for pkg car drivers.... but you can still

bid other routes when they become available. In fact, you can bid 3 times in a year.

The only stipulation being, within that year, you cant bid back to your original route.

Here in NorCal, you bid a job, it's yours for as long as you want it. No yearly bid, no getting bumped off. You must remain on that bid for a minimum of six months. After that, you can bid off to another route/job. Only feeder has an annual bid here.